09. Breaking point

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I burst into Mr. Oberoi's room, fuming. "Why can't you just leave things the fuck alone?" I demanded, the weight of my lehenga swirling dramatically around me.

He stood by the mirror, the ice blue sherwani mirroring the color of my outfit. Two of India's most influential figures, Sahil Acharya and Ryan D'Silva, his best friends, were deep in conversation on the bed. My entrance, clearly, was more dramatic than their discussion.

"Looks like the bride has a fire in her," I heard Mr. Acharya murmur before both men shot us knowing glances. I ignored them with practiced ease.

Once they left, the room felt heavy with unspoken tension. "I told you I didn't want my parents here," I said, my voice tight.

Mr. Oberoi, ever the enigma, simply shrugged and reached for a white stole. Before he could drape it around his neck, I grabbed his arm.

"Answer me!" I demanded, my earlier anger bubbling to the surface.

His gaze met mine, a storm brewing in those dark eyes. "They're important business associates," he finally said, his voice clipped. "And Megh's grandparents."

"That doesn't explain why they're here!" My frustration boiled over. Years of unspoken hurt rose to the surface, a tangled mess of emotions I couldn't quite express.

He wouldn't understand. He never had to deal with parents who...well, that wasn't a conversation for today.

"You know what, you wouldn't get it," I muttered, the fight draining out of me. With a defeated sigh, I turned and left the room, memories flooding back in a relentless tide. Words, harsh and unforgiving, echoed in my head.

Tears welled up, blurring my vision. I blinked them back fiercely, forcing a smile as Nadia and Antara approached.

"Aparna, what's wrong?" Antara asked, her concern evident. But I dismissed her worry with a wobbly smile.

The day was turning out to be more complicated than the dazzling lehenga I wore. But for now, I had to focus. The mandap awaited, and with it, a new chapter in my life.

Ma ushered me to the center of the mandap, a million eyes suddenly on me. It felt like the ceremony wouldn't start until Mr. Oberoi arrived, fashionably late of course.

When he finally did, the media swarmed him with questions. He ignored them completely, his gaze fixed on me as he strode purposefully forward.

One reporter even tried Mr. Acharya, "This is Varad Oberoi's second marriage. When are you planning on settling down?" Let's just say his question went unanswered.

Finally, the commotion subsided. Ma handed Mr. Oberoi a ring, which he took with a characteristically gruff air.

I couldn't help but steal glances around the room. Vartika and Ved stood shoulder-to-shoulder behind him, a united front. Megh, my little sunshine, beamed at me from where Vartika held his hand.

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