Chapter 7 Call Home.

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Another Recap:*crack*

Sasha POV: "Oh no.." I backed away from Marcy with Anne looking at me like I was some murderer. Then that horrible noise pierced through the air Marcys scream, Anne then pushed me out the way saying for someone to call the ambulance and I couldn't say anything because of what I did and I dont think Marcy saw but the teachers came out and was asking about the problem because their was ambulances and police.I then proceeded to say "I'm sorry sir I didn't mean it I-." Of course I didn't finish the sentence and not because I was still shocked but more of because it wasn't genuine cause honestly I really did mean Marcy to get hurt and I even gave Marcy a scar before we left the bathroom cause I got jealous on how she was having Anne all to herself. I then felt a grabbed on my arm I looked up and it was the principal I then started to cry because of the consequence I was going to be facing towards my mother and it sucks to dissapoint someone you find very important to you.Isn't it?I haven't said a word after the teacher asking me something because I was starting to regret my decisions the moment I set foot in the principal office with a policeman standing next to the principal I then heard the door *click* It was my mother. It felt like my life was crashing right before my eyes she looked at me like I wasn't associated with her so in other words she looked at me like I wasn't her child and oh frog how I wanted to jump out the window and just go back to amphibia but reality always finds a way to kick your ass and how hard they wanted to torture my today cause before I knew it I had to speak up with the following question being "What happened to resort you to hurt Marcy Wu? Sasha Waybright if i'm correct" the police man said and I responded mumbling "I hurt her because I really felt like it and it seemed like the right choice " The officer heard and his eyes just windened clearly saying wtf dude this isn't healthy. And I already knew that obviously because I had like an 1 hour to reflect my actions and even for me it's hard saying that because it sounds like some teacher bullshit but they interviewed me and my answers slowly starting to progress worse and worse also showing my horrific mental state because I still have trauma from amphibia which isn't helping on why I want to go their right now. Moving on my mother still being here she grew concern of me and I probably guessed she was gonna homeschool me and take my technology away because she thinks those two things are influencing me but she didn't after the whole "confrence" she just said (and i repeat this is the only thing she said on the way home) "Sasha sweetie uhm I think it's time that maybe you should see a therapist and don't worry this isn't just a only me idea but your father have noticed that after ur dispearence you've been acting a little more strange than before so he approved the idea." I looked at her devestated because I don't want to trauma vent on a stranger and for them to tell on my parents I KNOW HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS MOM! But all I said was "m" meaning yes and when we got home I went to kitchen because I was starving and sure I have broken my best friends bones but WHY DOES THAT MATTER RIGHT HAHA I seriously need help but this pudding is enough to cure my sanity for a while so after that I went to gc and started to say "Hi" I TELL YOU I JUMPED UP WHEN I SAW READ ✔️ and then the incoming message thing and once i heard ding I screamed and I looked at what it said "Sash I really don't think you should be texting in gc because of the fact that you broke Marcy's arm do you really not care for her..?." And of course that annoyed me..WAIT that annoyed me that message ANNOYED ME WOW and I guess I figured out the thing that was poking me for these days I really, really hate Anne because after the break up i'm starting to find Anne to be a nuisance and it's at the point where I want to slaughter her that.sounds.AMAZING I like the idea but its illegal so the worse I can do is to turn the school against her and make her want to fight me SO then I can really hurt her ya know.Yea sure maybe this therapist sounds like a good idea but to take my anger on someone seems like a reliever. Sure Anne and me are probably going in VERY rough waters but I can just blackmail someone to take the fall for me because everyone in our school is a fool and sorry Marcy but I guess you are a fool too because what's coming next is going to be your downfall.

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