Harmful Words.

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Third POV:

Marcy forgot about what Polly said after she introduced Sprig and Polly into the games she brought over which was fun for all of them except Anne. Now the question what did Anne do after Marcy went upstairs well your answer is going to be answered right now. Though Marcy seems to have a strong connection to Anne what is she going to do once she finds out something happened to Anne

Anne POV: After I see Marcy go upstairs I went to the kitchen to get some bandages to wrap around my knuckles which were hurting like hell but to my suprise I then hear Sprig yell at Marcy  which was odd since they have a "cousin" built relationship. I then yell "EVERYTHING FINE UP THERE!" With a response of "YEA BUT MARCYS BEING KINDA A B-." which was accompanied by a scream and a continuation of the sentence saying "were fine." presumably by Marcy considering the tone of the voice. Though anyways I decided to go through a stroll around the neighborhood since I believe I deserved a bit of space away from everything and everyone. "Alright guys i'm heading out there is food in the refrigerator." no response, only yelling. I chuckle and just go out the door whistling and looking at the environment around me. I then start talking to myself "I wonder what's gotten into me. These outburst are becoming more and more serious late thing I want is to hurt everyone around me next...but i'm sure I can get it under control. First thing on my list is to make sure Marcy doesn't find out she will create havoc if she sees me like this and start putting me first which I hate." No other words to be said I stumble across and open field which seemed pretty relaxing so I then just lay down. "Ouch!" what is that? I pick up a bracelet with 5 rings attached to it by a chain. "Ooo jelewry. This looks kinda cool though." I look around "I mean theres nobody here soooo...MINE! haha YES though I wonder why it was on the ground..well whatever as long as its not bothering anyone why should I bother about it. Alright let's put this badboy on." *Anne then puts on the connected bracelet* "I feel weird...what the hell" Anne then notices that her vision is very woozy and blurry "What the- can I even stand up?" *She then stumbles trying to get up* Then Anne feels a sharp pain first starting at her side then instantly travelling all over her body making her scream in agony she then looks in the corner and seeing a figure but her vision was blurry so she couldn't see a lot and once she almost makes out who it is she passes out. The last thing she heard was "Oh Anne...how'd you like the gift!". "Damn it" managed to slip from Annes mouth.

Marcy POV: "Its been 2 hours. Shouldn't Anne be home by now?" Polly then said "She usually stays out more than she plans too. Marcy you should know these things by now pick up the pace! You've been friends more than I have been a sister to her . That's some friendship you have ." "Well polly maybe you should shut. your. mouth. Ya know I hate people who act just like you always having a smart mouth. Anyways i'm going to find Anne." Sprig then says "Ok but make sure you take out your horns or whatever on your way out I don't think you would want to be embarrassed." Horns?? whats.. "A-alright thanks Sprig...I guess.". I then go to the bathroom what hor- "WHAT THE FUCK" whe-when did these appear I don't remember them first being there in the first place. Did some type of mutation happen with me and the core *Marcys head then starts  rapidly asking questions about the horns before remembering why she was there in the first place* ANNE. No time for horns just gotta find Anne "ALRIGHT I'LL BE OUT FOR A WHILE STAY SAFE!" no response.. just talking. "Alright Anne where did you go... omfg is that sasha hold on lemme put my hood up please don't tell me she saw me." You can barely make out what she said but if you have keen hearing then it shouldnt be a problem like Marcy hearing Sasha say "Oh my god Annne why are you so heavy. Alright so in order for this to work I just need a bit of her blood thank god she had her phone the screenshot of Maddies book really did help.". What  is Sasha planning to do to her forgive me true crime podcasts but I need to save my friend Anne who (I think) is in grave danger *Marcy then proceeded to follow Sasha discreetly making little to no sound while doing this* I then hear "Alright Anne this is for your own good. Plus this will only take about 5 seconds." Flashing lights then appeared from the alley way where Sasha was doing this and hurting Marcys eyes in the process and next thing she knew she heard Annes voice but doesn't sound anxious at all she seemed calm. "Anne..?" She hears a voice " Well this is new but i'm not mad about it.". Then there was footsteps and Marcy could guess that whoever it was is trying to escape from the scene. Marcy then peeked over and noticed the hand chain on Anne which was dispensing some type of glowing thing and is that a blue gem...Marcy decided to ignore this and to her suprise this isnt only thing that came to shock her it seemed that Annes eyes were white and looked as if some of her teeth were shaped as fangs and her voice wasn't only one person but it sounded like two. Then Marcy heard " Well it looks as if someone came over here. Don't you think Anne!" "No...." Marcy said but before she could continue more of her sentence there was a flash of blue and she looked behind her scared of the thing she might see but then...there it was. Anne had white eyes, hair blue, no accessories in it, no expression, but last but not least was the used-to-be loving filled and warm spirited Anne was gone.

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