Battlefield (Luke Skywalker x young jedi reader )

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Keywords:Y/N your name
L/N last name
L/C lightsaber colour
M/N master's name
M/N 2 second master's name

Y/N's POV:I watched the stormtroopers fight M/N and M/N 2.
I held onto my L/C lightsaber ready to attack but then, my masters died...I was so shocked.How could stormtroopers kill jedi?I pulled their lightsabers with the force and putted them on my belt and ran after the stormtroopers to kill them but someone knocked me out.I woke up in a cell.There stood Darth Vader over me with some boy that was probably a jedi too."So you must be Y/N L/N...I knew your jedi masters...They were so weak, your parents too.""Don't talk about them like that!""I felt myself getting choked by Vader."Don't talk like that to me stupid child!"He let me go and two stormtroopers came there and we walked to the throne room where was the  famous "Darth Sidious"When we arrived there I saw the Emperor sit on a chair.Vader took all three lightsabers from my belt and gave them to him."So you constructed your lightsaber.Oh and you constructed your own lightsaber too"He ignited my L/C lightsaber and the boy's green one."Oh, these must be your masters lightsabers.He ignited M/N's yellow lightsaber and M/N 2's double bladed lightsaber that the temple guards used, he had it because he was one of them before Order 66."Your friends will never succeed in destroying this station!"Sidious said making an intimidating grin.I looked out of the window and I saw the rebels ship getting blown."Young Skywalker,
I'm looking forward to completing your training.Very soon, you will call me master.""I will never become a sith!""Then strike me down in anger!"The boy ignited his lightsaber and tried to strike him down, but Vader blocked it with his own.They fought together for a few minutes, until the boy cutted off Vader's hand.Heavy breathing could be heard around the room."You failed, I'm jedi like my father before me."Sidious sent lighting at him but I jumped Infront of the boy and blocked it with my and the boy's green lightsaber.But then, Sidious knocked the lightsabers out of my hands and shocked me with his lighting.I screamed like I was dying.I could feel pain in my whole body, until the boy jumped infront of me and got hit by the lighting.I didn't see anything else because I fell unconscious.After few minutes, I felt someone shaking me"Hey!Wake up!"I opened my eyes to only see the blonde haired boy."I didn't even get to know your name.""It's Y/N,and your is..?""It's Luke"Luke helped me up and  he helped up Vader and we went to the hangar. Luke putted him down in a shuttle."Luke,help me take this mask off.""But you will die!""Just for once, I want to look at you with my own eyes."I helped Luke take off Vader's mask.Vader's face was pale and probably burned before a very long time."Go, my son and Y/N. Leave me!""No, you're coming with us!I won't leave you here, I want to save you.""You were right Luke, you were right.You were right about me.Tell your sister you were right."Then he died.A single drop of tear fell from my eye.Was he still good?I felt like he wanted to protect us.We then went to Endor where the ewoks and the rebels had a party.I shook hands with some people and talked to Leia,Han and Wedge Antilles.Then I talked with Luke and we saw force ghosts of Anakin Skywalker, later known as Darth Vader, master Kenobi and master Yoda.Then I watched Vader burn with Luke next to me."I suggest that you should find a master.I heard of one jedi or rather grey jedi on the planet Corvus.Her name is Ahsoka Tano and she's a togruta.""Sounds good can I get there?""I can fly you there if you want to.""Sure!Sounds just right."Before leaving I said goodbye to the people and went with Luke to his X-Wing and then we went to Corvus.

The End...or maybe not

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