Chapter 3

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Now Error could finally relax. He began to sit down when he suddenly winced at a slight pain in his ribs. He lifted his shirt to find an older looking cut that looked kind of weird. Error tilted his head in confusion. He decided to poke at it.

Don't poke it!

The voice was ignored.

Error poked at the cut and hissed and winced when the pain spiked. He made a confused sound. Error poked at it again and got the same result. He pointedly decided not to touch the cut anymore. That's what I said- Then he wondered how he would bandage it later if it hurt when he touched it.

Don't ignore us you-

Error gave a frustrated glitchy huff. Speaking of bandages, where could he find some? He had never even thought of bandaging his bruises and cuts because his always healed eventually. He also didn't really know how to bandage himself. He hardly even knew what bandages were before Fresh told him, let alone what they look like!

...Maybe he could ask that Chara he helped out? They looked thankful. He had been continuing to meet up with them after at their request. Maybe they'd appreciate a visit. He thinks had been planning to see them around this time anyway.

What do you think he's-

...At least he thinks. He doesn't really understand time. It's confusing. It doesn't help that time has no place in the Antivoid.

Error made a portal and left.


That mother fu-

Isn't Sans the mother f-

Error is a Sans

But the Sans from Deltarune is the one who-

Proof or it didn't happen

     Proof or it didn't happen

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What the-

No no no no no-

Please tell me it isn't true

Well he could just mean-


Oh the Horror!


Did you just make a pun?


Gays ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Guys can you just-

How did you say "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"


You just said it OoO


-Gals and nonbinary pals




Wtf?! You don't have to shout


We're being watched.

You mean read

Nah I'm sure they mean watched

Don't call them they that's assuming their gender

How is that-


Why are we still in the Antivoid?

Don't we stay here?

Can't we let them speak for themselves?

But I thought we followed Error

We're still being watched


What do you think Error's doing-

What if only certain voices can follow Error outside the Antivoid?




You're an idiot.

We'll never know unless we try.

Isn't it a holiday-

YOU. Yes YOU. We need to see if YOU can follow Error.

The reader?

No it's just other voices they are not read-


We just need YOU to check on Error. Make sure he's not going to do something dumb.

Yeah! Make sure he has a great Christmas

Does he even celebrate-

It's Gyftmas!

I don't think that's how you spell-

Just be quiet.

Well, can YOU do this for us?

...We await your answer...

...Outside of the Antivoid Error was looking

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