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I stare at my kitchen phone with the crumpled piece of paper in between my fingers. My hands are shaking, my vision blurry.
I know I shouldn't be doing this; I know exactly what he wants from me.

But it's times like these when I miss him more then ever. I miss his warm lips pressed against mine, and the way we used to dance at night in his backyard, both of us a bit tipsy.

I rub my eyes and re-read his scribbled words for the thousandth time:
You and I both know that we can't be together, and it pains me to say it. But if you ever... need to get your mind off of things for a while, just give me a ring. ~Nat
My heart pounds as I pick up the phone and cradle it with my neck. Taking a deep breath I hesitantly punch in Nat's number.
On the third ring, he picks up.

Tenderly: A Nat Wolff Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now