Chapter 1

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Zack sat pensively watching her father's goats graze the grass in the field. Today it is her turn to herd the goats from morning to evening. Yesterday her brother was on guard. Missed her work for a moment. Today the work came back to her.

"Huh ..."

She sighed for a long time as her mouth kept sniffing. The grass at her feet was uprooted, pulled one by one. Then thrown into the air. Bored, because her work today is only monitoring the movements of goats.

She then threw her body onto the stretch of grass there and her hands were crossed behind her back making it a soft pillow.

The grass there is thick but short. Very comfortable and not fibrous like weeds. Soft like a mattress and very comfortable to be used as a reclining place.

That make her sleep until dusk. Plus there are white clouds on the warm blue horizon and wind greetings in the hilly area. 

Zack looked left and right. Nobody. She smiled mischievously.

"If I sleep for a while, no one would know. Goats, I slept for a while, don't run away okay. Hehe. Good night." Zack shouted at the goats there.

Just as Zack was about to close her eyes, suddenly there was water coming out of nowhere splashing on her face.

"Hah.!" Zack snapped from lying down. She was out of breath. Her heart was beating fast. She looked at her body. Her clothes are wet.

Her hand reached her face and she grabbed the clear water. She almost drowned because there was water in her nose.

"Oi Zack. Did you steal an oak bone?" Suddenly a voice came to say hello.

Zack turned to the left.

Hushion emerged out of nowhere. He was crouching and looked at Zack with his hand on his chin. As Zack turned to face him, he gave him a beautiful grin.

"Hushion!" said Zack. Zack is enraged. The cheeks began to flush. She began to get out of breath. Her head felt like it was ready to explode.

Hushion delighted as he saw her sister transform into a monster.

"Good morning! Hahaha. When you were shocked before, your expression was amusing. It looks like an ape."

"You said, 'Good morning,' didn't you? Arrghh!! Please refrain from using water when I am sleeping. Can you just wake me up without doing that? What if I died sooner?" Zack was enraged as she folded her arms over her torso and sniffed.

"Wow. Zack is enraged." Hushion then sat down near his sister.

"Even if it's only a drop or two, you won't die." Said Hushion.

Zack let go of her hands down and grabbed Hushion's shirt causing them to fall to the ground. Hushion was startled and grabbed his sister's wrist by a reflection.

"A drop of two? This is not a drop of two. This is a bucket. You always don't think before you do it. " Said, Zack.

Hushion's brows drew closer to his hair, and his gaze shifted to the right. The hand that was clutching Zack's wrist dropped.

"Really? Hahaha... Sorry. Zack. Do you want to accompany me? I'd want to show you a fascinating location. Would you like to come?"

"Do you realise I'm still irritated? Why have you now invited me to accompany you?"

Zack let go of Hussion's hand and sat cross-legged on the edge. Hussion awoke and sit as his sister.

"Where is the most intriguing area for you to come here and ask me?" Ask Zack.

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