Chapter 3

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"Zack. I apologise. I should not have taken you there in the first place. It's entirely my responsibility that you became injured. I didn't expect Bima to do that."

"Hmph! Yes. It's entirely your responsibility. It's no surprise that you've left scars on my face."

"I'm sorry, Zack!"

"Actually. I don't mind. It's only a little. Hey, Hushion. I have simple one question. How did you come to know her?"

"It's a complicated story. There is just one thing I can say. I believe Bima is similar to my mother because every time she smiles, I feel relaxed."

Zack lowered her gaze. "You said Mom? I miss her."

Zack returns to the pasture because she wants to look how her goats are doing inside Hushion's constructed fence. Hushion's barrier began to dissolve and eventually vanished as she arrived.

Zack then returned her goats to the barn because it was becoming late in the day. Hushion was also present, assisting Zack.

They both went home after that.

A man with white long hair was seen from a distance in their yard. They both smiled.

"Father.!" Zack yelled from a safe distance. She dashed over to her father and hugged him. Zack was overjoyed at the time.

"Father. When you return home? I miss you a lot! " As she looked at her father, Zack smile widely.

"I just arrived. Yes. I miss you too Zack."

"You must be exhausted, right? Inside, you should wait. I'll make you some coffee."

"It's a nice idea. I'm thirsty as well." Her father stated.


Zack walked into the kitchen and out of sight of her father.

"Why do you coming back here? What about your new wife? Is there any essential business to attend to?" Hushion suspected since his father rarely came home unless he had a business to attend to.

His father sigh when his son ask about that thing.

"Let's not go into that right now. I'm exhausted. First, allow me to relax."

They walked into the home and sat on the brown sofa.

"Here. I've got something for you, Hushion." His father stated. 

He took a portion of the letter from his pocket that had an octagon stamped form with a rose in the centre.

Hushion recognises the stamp as a mail from the academy as soon as he sees it.

"Hushion, there is a letter for you. Astakona has written you a note. I got it from my pigeon sender."

Astakona the eight corners [Book 1:The Healer]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن