chapter 2

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Bima's eyes was drawn to Zack when she heard the sound of Zack's eager pull on the chair. Bima's expression began to alter. She wasn't pleased with herself when she welcomed Hushion earlier. Even more to add to the monotony.

"Wait a second. Whose son you're bringing? So rude. Bima has never seen you with him?" Asked Bima to Hushion.

"Her name is Zack. She is my younger sister. Bima has forgotten? I apologise for her rudeness. She constantly acts like a man, yet her spirit is female. Zack, are you envious?" Hushion made a joke.

"Huh. It's pointless to be envious." Zack was enraged.

"Oh. Female. Her name is Zack. Hmph. Her name sounds just like a man's. I believe that is appropriate for her." Bima said in a sardonic tone.

"What!" As her name was being tossed around, Zack began to increase her voice.

"Hold on there, Zack. Bima enjoys making people laugh." Hushion stated. 

When he saw Zack standing, he grabbed his sister's shoulder. Then he drew her back to the chair, wanting to extinguish the fire inside his sister. It must cool down soon before something worse occurs.

He is aware of Zack's disposition. This girl has a bad temper. Can't crack a joke since there'll be a fire afterwards.

"That's not a joke. That slander of my name! "Zack responded.

Bima scrutinised Zack from head to toe. She frowned since there was no magical sign surrounding Zack, but there was also no regular human indication.

"Who exactly is she?" Bima murmured in her heart.

She returned Hushion's gaze. When she wished to chat to Hushion, she smiled once more.

"Hushion. Isn't it true that I previously told you not to bring regular people here? They can go insane because the waves of the magical realm do not correspond to their brain waves. Caterpillars, for example, resemble rice. Worm looks like fried noodles."

"Haha. It's all right, Bima. I'm here. Zack is in good hands with me. As far as the caterpillars , resemble rice. I'm not concerned. Zack will eat anything except rocks, sand, and wood. Laughter."

"Wait, what?!?"

"Is that correct?" With a smile, Hushion inquired of Zack.

"Hmm. Hushion. What exactly do you expect from me? You wouldn't come here if it wasn't essential, right?" Bima inquired.

"Oh. I came to check on the status of my crystal level. My body has been acting strangely for the past two or three days."

"Is that very strange? What type of food did you consume incorrectly?"

"I eat normally. My body feels terrible, and I believe it is due to a rise in my crystal levels. Bima used to tell me when I was a kid that if the crystal level rose, it meant I had a fever or was unwell."

"Oh. Yes. You're probably correct. Please lend me your hand for a minute. Let me check. "

"Of course, Bima."

Bima placed a Begonia leaf. She sprinkled crushed river crystal powder on top of the leaves. Then she poured the dragon's tears on her.

Blue light appears in the region of the leaf, and 5 chunks of ice develop on the leaf. Bima attentively studied it.

"Hushion. You are at level 5. Nice. Have you already mastered all of the water's phases? Hmm. Today's youth are maturing at a rapid pace. By the way, I'd want to give you a present. It's the sword of Eternal Ice."

"A sword of eternal ice?"Hushion inquired.

"Wait. I'll look into it. Coincidentally, one of Master Knight's children became unwell 5 years ago, and he requested me to care for his child. Then I tend to him. His son recovered as a result. So he gave me this sword as a present since I took care of his child and I didn't know what to do."Said Bima.

Bima drew a sheathed sword from its belt. The cover is dark blue with white gold flower embellishments.

"Take a look at this."

Bima drew the sword from its sheath. However, all that is offered is a spot to keep a sword. The blade has gone missing.

Hushion scowled and turned to face Bima."Where is the sword's blade?"

"That was the first thing that sprang to me when I looked at this sword: where is the blade?" 

"I thought the Master Knight gave me this sword since the blade was missing, but when I think about it, the Master Knight's traits are the same as yours, and he, too, possesses the power of water."

"Here. Accept it. Try to look. Who knows you lucky to have this sword."

Bima re-sheathed the blade and handed it on to Hushion. Hushion then gripped the hilt of a sword carved with that lovely rose design.

Suddenly, a blue and white light emerged inside the sword's sheath. Bima, Zack, and Hushion were stunned, and Hushion drew the sword from its sheath when he felt the heft of the blade's previously light sheath.

Hushion was wielding an ice sword.

"Wow. It's stunning." Hushion smiled as he stated this.

"Look at this ice sword!" Bima, Said. She grew ecstatic.

"It's Eternal Ice Blade! This is an ice sword that will not melt or freeze. The benefit is that it will not rust indefinitely. However, in order for it to endure as long as possible, please keep the sheath close to you at all times." Bima stated after inspecting the weapon.

Bima then turned to face Zack.

"As well as you. Your brother could hardly have brought you here on purpose. Hushion, what make you brought your sister here? You've never taken her with you before." Bima inquired.

"Oh. I only want to make sure she has magic or not since I observed with my own eyes the day she was attacked by a furious male goat. Her face and torso were covered in blood. But she was OK the next day. Nothing appears to have occurred. There are no scars to be found."

Bima smirked. "

It's not conceivable she is... Is what you mentioned true, Hushion? That appeals to me. Hushion, lend me your sword." Bima requested Hushion's weapon, which he received in the form of an ice sword.

"It's completely natural. I immediately recovered." Zack snorted arrogantly.

Zruff.... Bima suddenly slashed a little of Zack's face. Zack's blood was dripping.

"Auch! What in the world are you doing to me?!" Zack was enraged.

"Zack!" Hushion became terrified.

Bima's face moved closer to Zack's. Their gazes are drawn together. She looked at the wound.

"That is not normal thing, girl. It is impossible to be healed in a single day. Even a magician's medication does not always cure as quickly as that. Except if you are a Healer."

"Healer?" Zack inquired.

"Healer, yes."

Bima examined Zack's wound. The wound did not heal as she had hoped. She rose up and took the herbal plaster from her desk drawer.

"For your knowledge, not many magic masters can be healers unless they have had the flesh and blood of a healer, and even if there is a healer,  dark black magician seek their blood. Healer blood costs more than white wolf. So, please use caution whenever you discuss this." Bima removed the plaster's cover and applied it to the wound.

"It appears that you are not a Healer. Perhaps Hushion became perplexed."

Then Bima turned to face Hushion.

"So it is, Hushion. Please do not bring your sister here after this. She is not a Healer, nor is she an average human. She will not be able to heal on her own despite the fact that the wounds are minor."

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