chapter 6

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Zack and Indra left Pak Jalil's house without saying anything and travelled through the night to Ningku town.

Zack sobbed. Thinking about how unlucky her life is right now. She now wants to go to the city, but she has no idea how to get there because she has never been there.

Indra, who was standing next to her, could only see Zack in tears.

After a half-hour walk, they arrived at Ningku town. Many stores are closed, with the exception of the Bima store, which is still operational.

They entered Bima's business by climbing a rope made of leaves that hung from the ceiling.

Zack noticed Indra climbing.

"Indra, I don't know you don't have magic. Is that the reason why you use rope?"

"Oh. I have magic but climbing is my passion. From this vantage point, we can realise how insignificant we are. It will not feel the same if I utilise magic."

They both climbed to the shop and arrived.

Zack noticed Bima reading a book from a distance.

Bima dropped her book when she felt the presence of an familiar person appear in her shop. Her sharp eyes looked at Zack and Indra.

"See who's coming? Hello Zack and Indra "Said Bima. At the same time she approach them at the door.

"Hi, Bima," Indra answered with a smile.

Zack withdrew her attention from Bima because she despises her. When she saw herself in such a sad state, she was embarrassed.

"What drew you two here? Is there an problem?"

"We'd want to see Astakona. But I'm not sure how. So I'd want to meet with you to seek for your help." Indra, please respond.

"Isn't it too late to ask this question now? Because Astakona Academy is already started. If you want enter there you can go for the next year.  Don't you realise?"

"It is not yet open to the public. Right now, it is only available to the privileged. We still have the possibility to go there, and next year isn't that long, with only three months before the new year. We can wait." Indra stated.

"Are you sure to go there?"

Zack remain silent. 

"Yes." Said, Indra without hasitate.

Bima started to approach Zack and Indra then pulled their hands to bring them inside. Zack sat on a round wooden chair near the counter as well as Indra too.

Bima afterwards locked the shop's entrance and switched off the lights outside, but kept the lights inside on, signalling that her business was no longer open.

She grasped Zack's cheek and reached for the herbal plaster she'd put the day before. She smiled as she cautiously pulled on the plaster.

"Hushion is correct. Zack, you're a Healer. Why haven't you confessed all this time?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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