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Ranbir opens the door and gets surprise to see...

Pallavi and vikram

R: (shocked) Mom, Dad  you both what an amazing surprise (and hugs them)

Pallavi : We were missing you too much so we came here and arun beta how are you?

Arun : I'm fine aunty. Come have a sit.

R: I was also missing you both.

Vikram : By the way beta you have done the interior of the house so well.

Pallavi : Ya its so beautiful

R: Thanks mom there an interior designer prachi she has done it. She is very talented and such a kind hearted girl.

Pallavi : Ooo

R:  What Ooo?

Vikram : She did this she thinks that you are in love with that girl.

R: O'comn dad. I'm not in love and by the way she is engaged and after 2 weeks she is having her wedding just now they came and invited us.

Pallavi : O its nice that she is getting married but beta what about you when you will find someone.

Arun : Ya you are right aunty you are Right.. Now its high time i think you should get married now I want to do naagin dance yaar.

R: Mom please don't start now.

Pallavi : Look ranbir I have decided that  the time you will get married at that time only I will go back to delhi.

Arun : Aunty you are right (gets a glare from ranbir)

R: Mom we will talk ti this later. Now I'm going to shoot. Bye

Pallavi : Bye beta come home fast.

[Days passed and only 2 days are remaining for Prachi's wedding ]

R: Mom today I will be late becoz after shoot I have  some work. Bye

Pallavi : Bye beta

Vikram : [While  reading newspaper ]
Some or the other day say bye and love you to us also.

R: [comes and hugs ] Bye dad love you too.

At prachi 's side

Pragya :Prachi is everything done there are many things remaining to do hurry fast.

P: Mom all the work are done.

Abhi :Chill pragya don't take tension.

Pragya : but [gets interrupted by abhi and prachi ]

Abhi and p : Mom take a chill pill [K3G fans hands up ]

At night

[Ranbir comes home and shocks to see something ]

R: Dad what happened why are you crying dad ?

Vikram : [while crying ] be... Beta... You... r... your

R: Your what dad please tell me?

And that time ranbir gets call

P: Hello Mr. Kholi

[yes the girl is prachi ]

R: Hi prachi [little tensed ]

P: What happened you sound tensed

R: No nothing normal tension [looking towards his crying dad ]

P: Oh actually I called you to remind that after 2 days my marriage is there and you have to come.

R: Sure sure

P: ok bye

R: Bye [and cuts the call ]

R:[keeps hands on vikram shoulder ] dad please tell me what happened

[ Vikram tells ranbir that shocks to him to the core and he starts crying a lot ]

At a godown

Man 1 :[Talking to the lady who is sitting on the chair ] you know what these humans have a lot of problems of coming between someones work and look what now its consequences.

[ Laughs like a devil ]

Lady : What have I done. I didn't know you also then why did you brought me here?

Man 1:You have not done anything but your son has done.

Lady : What he has done? He don't even know you.

Man 1 : Your son don't know me but he has done something wrong.

Lady : What has he done ?

[Man1 tells something to the lady ]

Lady : Oh so he has done this now I don't have any fear of dying becoz my son has done something incredible.

Man 1 : Youuu... [ And shots the gun ].

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Is the lady shot died?

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