Chapter 3

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Sam Winchester recalled entering the town of Harrisonville a couple of days ago, and seeing an old abandoned warehouse. And then just yesterday, when he was doing research about the town, he stumbled upon some information about the same abandoned warehouse. The warehouse had burned down for the most part, more than a decade ago in a mysterious fire. And no efforts to reconstruct it or demolish it had been made by the town.

He wasn't sure what he was doing. And that question, kept popping inside his mind without getting answered. Was he really driving towards the abandoned warehouse? Yes, he was. And worse because he thought Aries was there? Yep, ping, ping, ping, that was exactly why. But he had a sixth sense when someone was in trouble, his heartbeat would rise, and the little hairs on his back would spring up. And that's exactly what was happening right now. He was following his intuition, his gut, rather than the logical part of him which was telling him this could end badly.

A couple of miles away from Sam Winchester stood Aries Cooney, struggling to tell who stood before her. The call between her and Sam had been cut short, but not by her. She had screamed from surprise when a pack of people had entered the abandoned building. It was strange, wasn't it? That the people of this town would be roaming the outskirts of town, in the middle of the night, where darkness ruled and things hid. And why would anyone in their right mind be in an abandoned warehouse, which appeared to have burned down for the most part?

That's how Aries knew she was in trouble. That's how she knew she had to get out of here as soon as possible. But minutes had passed and she hadn't moved. She was standing there, frozen, staring numbly at the people in front of her. She heard fingers snap, a lighter click, and a bonfire come to live. Slowly, a person separated themselves from the pack, and sauntered closer towards the light of the bonfire. Aries recognized his features, his defined jaw, small lips and curly hair. Robbie.

She stepped forward. "Robbie-"

"Aries-" he stepped forward, and stopped mid-way, one foot set in front of the other.

"Who are they? Why are they here? I was talking to Sam," she said. Each word spilled faster than the other. She felt glad to see him here but not completely. He could get in trouble for being here. And if something were to happen to Robbie, it would be her fault and hers only.

"They are just some friends of mine, Aries. They are to ask you some questions. Well, not really, I'll ask the questions and they'll watch," he said.

His voice sounded calm, even more than unusual. There was something strange about his voice, other than the calmness to it, a certain darkness, which made Aries shiver. And then, she felt just like she did when she was little, like she wanted to be saved because there was something awfully wrong happening. It was a combination of the eyes of the pack that never left her, of Robbie's strangeness and how far she was from other people that made her back away, slowly.

"I am kind of, not really in the mood for questions, Robbie. I was kind of in the mood to be alone, maybe having a bubble bath, and drinking wine. Or I-I don't know, just someplace else, really, alone," Aries struggled to keep her voice calm.

"But the Aries Cooney I know doesn't drink wine. She thinks wine is the fancy version of beer even though they are completely different drinks. And wine can be cheap too. But it is the way it is, I can't reason with you, can I?" He asked.

"I said wine seems like a thing pretentious people drink," she corrected him. She took a deep breath and committed the mistake of asking the following question, "Can I leave?"

"No, you may not. Like I said, we are here to ask you some questions. I suggest you cooperate, Aries. It will be better for you and less troublesome for us. Now, let's begin with the first question," he said. He brought out a notebook from his coat pocket, and a pen, click, click.

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