The visit

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It was winter, the snow was slowly falling to the ground, while the wind whistled threw the bushes. You took a deep breath, the cold air tickled your throat. Holding your hand out, trying to catch some snowflakes, you chuckled.
The thought of building a snowman crossed your mined, how silly. Deep in thoughts you closed your eyes. A snowflake landed on you reddened nose.
"(Y/n) are you coming? I don't have the keys!", your uncle said.
You trotted slowly through the snow towards the small building.
Well it was more a shack then a building but it sufficed.

As you opened the door the familiar smell of flowers entered your nose.
"Ugh I hate this weather. Why can't we live at the beach. You know your mom always wanted to move from here."
" I know, I know. You tell me this story every time.", you sighed.
Your uncle was the only family member you had left. A few years ago they had an accident, but that's all you knew. Your uncle never talked about it, he still couldn't process the death of his only sister.

"Can you turn over the sign and open up, I will be working in the back." He said scratching his head.
The little shack you were in was a flower shop, your dad had a big passion for flowers and this shop was his life. So yeah, you loved it too, since it was the only thing that your parents left.

You opened the front door and turned over the sign, while your uncle was in the interior garden in the next room.

It was such a normal and peaceful day, or so you thought. You prepared some bouquets and cut some flowers. Everyday felt the same. Nothing ever happened.

You smiled to yourself as you picked up a pot with budding heathers. You got behind the counter and wrote a sign that you pot into the pot.

"Uncle! Do we still have some of the snowflake signs?", you shouted, in hope he could hear you from here.

But we'll he didn't. So you left the counter and went to the garden. Your uncle hummed to himself as he watered the plants.
"Hey, do we still have the snowflake signs?", you asked again. He turned around and looked questioning.
"You know the ones Misses Selma really liked. With the blue flakes?" You shook his head.
Sighing heavily you went back.

"It's like I have to do everything." You mumbled under your breath.
Then you heard rummbling, but I didn't came from the direction of your uncle.
It came from the shop.

"Maybe it's not opened." You heard someone say, as you walked towards the shop.
You hurried. Finally a customer. Maybe it was Mr. Selma and he wants to buy flowers for his wive.

"Welcome in 'Hours for Flowers' your local flower shop." You said enthusiastically, as you went behind the counter.
But as soon as you saw the unknown young man, you felt a bit embarrassed by the slogan.

He just stood there. One hand in his pocket and one fumbling in his raven hair, that was pit up in a ponytail.
Turning around, his cold green eyes met yours and inspected you like a unknown animal.

"I- I'm sorry that I couldn't attend to you earlier. Is there something special your looking for?" Your voice broke a little and you coughed a bit.

His strange and cold aura, made you very nervous. You started fumbling with your fingers, as he pulled something out of his pocket.

You were frightened. The black suit, the slicked hair and the emotionless face... Maybe he was some kind of gangster, you thought. Was he going to pull out a gun?

He looked at the piece of paper that he pulled out. You breathed out in relief.

"Do you have the Barbados Lily here?" His voice was dark and smooth.

You smiled, while tucking your hair out of your face. "Yes, we do. We have the typical red ones and some others." You said as you walked towards a table with a few pots with red flowers in them. "Here." You added as you pointed to one of the pots where the Barbatos Lily had an yellow red ombre look.

He bowed down a little to look at them further.
"Hmm... I think I will take these ones." He said and grabbed a pot. You nodded and the both of you headed towards the counter.

"That would be 7,59. Would you like these wrapped up?" You said friendly looking up to him. He shook his head in response.
Something about him seemed kind of familiar but you couldn't name it.

He gave you money and said to keep the rest.
You thanked him. He then turned around to get going, looking kind of gloomy.

You quickly grabbed a single tulip and followed him. He had already opened the door into the cold. The air was freezing and everything was white.

"Here take this and have a great day." You said with a bright smile in hope, he would cheer up.
He turned around, took the tulip and looked at you.

His cold green eyes looked empty, they were like a cold sea that gobble up anything near it. And you got lost in it. Yes, you have seen these eyes before. But not like this. And still, it was like you had some type of amnesia, you didn't remember his name.

"Thank you." He said without any kind of emotion and then got out into the cold.

The contrast of him all in black walking through the shimmering white snow, made you feel like you've seen art. Your heart beat started fastening and you notice you had held your breath.

As you rested your hand on the glass door, the cold touch of it, made you think of his eyes again. Where, where have I seen them before.

Was he from school? A neighbor?

"Earth to (Y/n)! What the he'll are you doing there? You think you're in some kind of music video? Get back to work." Your uncle yelled annoyed.

Coming back to your senses, a shiver went down your whole body. You shook your head as to get out of your thoughts and got back to work.
But the thought of that guy never left you.

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