A different kind of encouter

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As the day turned into night and you went back to your little flat, you thought about the past.
Somehow this young man made you think about your parents. They weren't in any kind related to him, but this coldness and pain he gave off, reminded you of your own sadness.

You sat down on your bed and your cat accompanied you. "Hey Black Jack. How are you doing? Did you miss me?" You asked as you patted his head. He purred and left little black hairs an your blanket.
"Wanna know who I miss? Oh, you already knew. I guess it's obvious." You left your head hanging. Tears started to form in your eyes, but you quickly wiped them away.

Pushing your emotions aside you got up and took of your clothes. A good hot shower was what you needed and then you would go to bed, you thought to yourself.

And so you did exactly that. Took a shower brushed your teeth and went to bed.
Black Kack snuggled himself beside you and just like that you fell asleep.

It was dark in cold, when you opened your eyes. No snow, no trees, no Black Jack. Just him.
A spotlight enlightened the dark room exactly where he stood, his face turned away from you.
"Why can't you remember me?" A voice said repeatedly and every time it got louder an more hostel. He turned around, but his face was different, it was that of a child. Him as a child.
The voice got even louder.
"Why can't you remember me? Do I mean nothing to you?" You tried covering your ears in hope it would stop, but it didn't. Then suddenly he was gone.
" It's okay child he'd gone we are here for you know." You heard a soft feminine voice saying. You turned around. Your parents awaited you with open arms. That's when you realized non of this is real. "This is a dream!" You said to yourself.

And just in that moment your alarm clock started going of. You opened your eyes and rose up into a sitting position. Your hands were still shaking as you turned the alarm of.
Black Jack was on the ground and simply minded his own business licking his paws.

"What a terrible dream." You whispered to yourself as if to not let anybody hear it.
Why is it that you cannot clearly remember good dreams, but always bad ones.

Anyways you had no time to waste on this question, since you had somethings to do.

You made yourself some breakfast as you called your best friend. You shortly talked about your plans for the weekend and some other unimportant things.
After you ate you went grocery shopping and from there to the shop, where your uncle was currently working.

"Just wanted to stop buy and give you these." You said as you walked in with a bag of groceries.

"Aw thanks. Sweet, now I can eat pasta today." He said taking the bag. "Oh also Mr.Selma told me to greet you from him. He really wanted to talk to you. But I guess you can catch up next time." He said as he searched inside of the bag for pasta.

"I guess so." You made a pause before speaking again. "Actually I wanted to stop by the graveyard. So if you want to come by..."
It was quiet. Your uncle looked up from the bag with a sad smile.

"Go on without me, I still have some work to do." He said obviously lying. You nodded.

You took a few flowers with you as you left the shack.

Originally you wanted to drive there, but since the weather was not that bad and it the walk took only ten minutes you didn't.

You put your headphones on and listened to music, while you watched how a bird flew up a tree. Your hands were freezing even through your gloves and you feared that the flower would take damage if you didn't carry it carefully.

Then you stopped. The heavy and old metal gate to the graveyard was wide open. You took a few deep breaths of the cold air that soon filled your lungs.

You never really visited your parents grave, or at least not as often as you wished you would.
It's just such a sad place and you couldn't stand being there for to long.

But still you entered the place. Passing by a few graves you finally got to your families.
At first you laid down a few flowers for your grandparents that you barely knew since they died when you were four. Then you turned to the grave of your parents.

You kneeled infront of it. Unable to think, speak or do anything. Laying down the flowers you got for them you looked at the gravestone.
Their names there were the proof that they were dead, but you still couldn't understand it.

Tears started forming and soon flooding your eyes. You tried to stop them, but failed.
You missed them so badly, you couldn't even pit it in words.
But you remembered something one thing you always did. You cloded your eyes and started humming. It was a lullaby your parents always sung to you.
You didn't remember the text but you knew the melody by heart.

As you finished you slowly opened your eyes.
Only for them to meet another pair.
This scared the living shit out of you and you fell back, right into the snow.

He bend over and hovered over you. His familiar eyes checked your face.

"I'm sorry, if I frightened you." He just said.
You shakily got back up and patted the snow of of you. " Oh no, I'm sorry. I was just spaced out. I should've paid more attention." You respectfully bowed down a bit.

You hoped he didn't hear you humming that would be a bit embarrassing.
He didn't move from there and looked down at the grave of your parents. "I'm sorry for your loss." He said. You looked at him wondering who he had lost here.

"I'm sorry for your loss too." You just replied.

He wore the same suit as yesterday and you could tell by his stance that he had a lean figure. Now that he was closer than yesterday you also smelled a bit of his cologne.

"I'm (Y/n) by the way." You said hoping he would say his name in return or something that would reveal that he knew you.

You noticed a slight movement around his lips. Was he going to smile? But before you could see clearer he turned around.

Out of nowhere it began snowing again. Eventhough the weather report said there would be no new snow today.

He looked up and reached his hand a bit forward.

"You know someone ones told me that kindness is like snow- It beautifies everything."

Your eyes widened.
N-No this couldn't be. There was no way.
How could you have forgotten.

He turned around his hands in his trousers.
As he looked at you a little smile teased his lips.

"Ha-Ha Hayakawa?" You stuttered.

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