The Playground

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As you closed your car door you could already see Aki sitting on an old swing. 

You walked over to him your dirt covered boots sinking in the snow. His head hung low as if he had found something interesting on the ground. When you stood infront of hin he looked up his eyes meeting yours. The blue looked really cold. 

Before you could say anything he handed you a Onigiri. "Thanks." You said with a big smile. You hadn't realised it but you were quiet hungry, so you began eating. 

Aki kept watching you closely as if you were a different species. It made you uncomfortable, since he also didn't eat anything. So you asked him if he wanted to share but he declined. 

"We played here a lot." He then said. Since the air was so cold a little fog cloud rose up. You nodded. "Yes I loved the swings here and do you remember when we tried to climb up the frozen slide?" He nodded and you both chuckeld a bit. 

"Wanna try again?" You said jokingly as you finished your last bite. "Sure." He responded as he stood up. You were so suprised by his actions that you didn't move. He was already half way at the slide as he turned to look at you. "What are you waiting for? Scared to fall on your nose again?" He mocked you. 

Shaking your head you ran over to him. "Of course not. Pfft." You both looked at the slide that was frozen. "You go first." You said raising your brows. 

"So you are scared." He said trying to hide his grin. "It was your idea." He gave you another glance and you rolled your eyes. Then he grabbed on to the sides of the slide and stepped onto it trying to climb from the bottom to the top. His slender fingers turned red since he didn't wear gloves and his clothes got wrinkly. After two failed tries he successfully got to the top. A little smile appeared on his face. 

You had forgotten how beautiful his smile was, if you could choose you would want to see it every second of your life. 

"Come on it's your turn." He said waving and you stopped staring and stepped closer to the slide. You tried the same approach as Aki but always slide down. Your feet couldn't get a good grip and your hands felt like they were falling off. 

"It won't work." You said up to him. He sat down and reached down with his hand. "Here grab my hand." You climbed a bit up till you reached his hand. You grabbed onto it but in the same moment you lost balance and since Aki held with a strong grip onto your hand. You dragged him down with you. 

You both landed in the snow laying next to each other. Your head hurt you thought, but the sound of Akis laughter made you forget about it. 

You hadn't heard him laugh in years, it seemed like he generally didn't. So you couldn't help but smile. "Are you alright?" He asked still laughing. He patted your head. His face only inches from yours. His pale cheeks were flushed and his nose was red to. 

"I... I'm alright." You said as he looked into your eyes. You could feel his breath on your face, it was warm. His hand rested on your cheek as he finished patting your head. 

"You're really beautiful you know that?" He said. His lips so close to yours. Your face probably was completly red, not only from the weather. You didn't know what to respond or what to do should you kiss him?

Since you were frozen up and didn't do anything he turned away towards the sky. 

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that to you. It's not fair, since I will be gone in a few days." He laid his hand on his eyes. Your eyes started to fill with tears so you stood up. You wiped away your tears and walked to your car. 

Why does your heart race so fast. You didn't want this feeling. He was right this wasn't fair. 

A few minutes later Aki came to the car with his bags from the grocery. He placed them in the trunk before the both of you silently drove of. 

The silence was the most awkward one you had ever experienced. It physically pained you. As you held the car before your home you gave him the keys and told him that you still had some work in the shop.He nodded and went inside. 

You drove to the shop where you parked your car. You slammed your fist on the wheel and let out a loud scream that turned into sobbing. You weren't sad about today but about the fact that he would leave you for good in a few days. Even if he says he will visit, you know he won't. 

It's always the same they all leave me. No one wants to be around me. I'm so miserable that I disgust them. Not even my parents could live with me. No one, no one stays.

The stream of tears made it hard for you to breath. You gasped for air. 

Then you heard a thud on the roof of your car. You immediatly went silent, that must've been a bird you thought, because it was so loud. You grabbed your keys and got out of your car. You looked onto your roof but nothing was there no bird or feather, also no plant. 

You looked around, nothing. Only the wind was howling. You quickly walked into the shop as you wiped your face clean. 

As you entered your uncle looked up at you. "You alright?" He asked worried, since your eyes were still red. "Yeah it's just one of these days." You said sighing. Not knowing what that ment he still nodded. You silently went to work. 

An hour or so went by till your uncle interrupted you. "Hey I think a storm is coming. Look at it the clouds are getting darker and the wind stronger." He pointed outside. You followed his look and he was right, there was clearly a storm coming. 

This was literally the worst. There couldn't have a worser timing.

"We better get going before we get stuck here." You said grabbing a few plants. "The storm will probably last a while take these five with you." You instructed. 

You said your goodbyes and then both drove of. You really didn't want to get home to see him. But there was nowhere else for you to go or to do, also it started snowing again so you had to hurry. 

The moment you arrived home the storm got really bad and you quickly fled inside. You were completly covered in snow even though the walk from your car to the door wasn't long but since you had to carry the plants it took a bit longer. 

You wiped the snow of yourself and the plants, before you placed them in a corner. 

Eventhough your door was closed you heard a voice from your apartment. It was clearly Akis but who was he talking to. Maybe his boss?

"Yeah, well that's not good.... Yeah I will be back as quickly as I can.... No theres nothing holding me back. You know why I do this, yes this job is everything to me, so quit it, okay? If you gather more information call me....Thank you." 

You stood infront of the door. Not willing to open it. What had you expected, of course he would move back to Tokyo. He has a job, a home, friends, maybe even a girlfriend. 

Well it still was nice to see a friend again right.

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