The conversation

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And then everything happened so fast that you coudn't comprehend. Out of nowhere Aki was standing infront of you "It" was gone. Aki grabbed you and carried you through your room. Saying something you couldn't hear, you couldn't tell if you were still screaming or if it was just the shock ringing in your ears. Your whole body started shaking from your hands down to your feet. After he laid you down in your bed he grabbed your hands as to calm them down. 

They were warm which was kind of unexpected. He still was saying something to you but you couldn't conprehend. He noticed this and slowly patted your head as his eyes scanned you to see if you were hurt.
Slowly you calmed a bit down, just enough to hear and say something.

" don't leave me!" You said with a shaking voice holding his hand tighter as tears started forming. He looked at you still lost in his thoughts and with pitiful eyes.

"I won't." He said calmly as he also got under the blanket and laid down next to you.
As your head slightly rested on his chest you could hear his heart racing.
Even though he acted so calm, he was also a bit out of tune.
His body was warm so that you felt a little bit safer. But still you couldn't quite get what had just happened, tears started rolling down your cheek and sinking into the cotton of his T-shirt.

"'s okay. You can sleep now, he is gone."
You didn't know who HE was but Aki seemed to know what he was talking about, so you felt a bit less tense.
When the adrenaline was gone and your eyelids felt so heavy that you couldn't keep them open, you fell asleep in Akis arms.

And surprisingly for the first time in a long time you slept without a nightmare.

The sounds of the birds softly woke you up. The first thing you noticed was that the space next to you was empty. You patted it with you arms and it was still warm. You couldn't help but smile a little.
That's when everything that happened in the night came back to you.

You threw your blanket away and ran out of your room into the kitchen. Your hands shaking again and still a bit unsure on your feet.

There he was standing infront of the stove preparing breakfast. As if it was a normal routine. As he heard you he turned around to see you still struggling to process.

"Good morning." He said with a bit raspy voice.
His hair was also in a mess and standing up to every side.
You sat down at the kitchen table as you slowly replied "Yeah... good morning."

Then it was quiet until he sat two plates of pancakes on the table, he slid the bigger plate over to you and sat down.

It smelled really good, the sweet smell of sugar from the syrup filled the air and you felt the heat streaming from the food all around you.

"Wow this smells amazing! You know you didn't have to do that. I could've made us something." You said grateful but also a bit buff.
He shrugged. "It's the least I could do for you, since you were so nice and let me stay." He was just polite. No sign of any strong feelings.

You both started eating in silence. Million of thoughts were troubling your brain as you peaked a glance at Aki. His hair carelessly hanging in his face, his cold eyes fixated on the pancakes so they wouldn't cross your gaze.

His face still looked the same as in the photo you looked at yesterday, just older.

He looked up at you and you realized you had been staring a while, not eating a bite. As his eyes met your you quickly looked away, while feeling yourself blush. Clearing your throat, you awkwardly scanned the room avoiding his questioning look.

Well that was awkward.

"I'm sorry... I'm ... ugh... I don't know." You said while letting out a deep breath. This definitely didn't make it less awkward but rather but his attention even more to you.

"You know I'm just so confused! With everything yesterday, cause like that happened. Didn't it? And also like you clearly sitting infront of me as if nothing happened. As if you weren't gone for years. But like it's very awkward because you were! And I thought you were dead and then I forgot and..." You needed to catch your breath after rambling about all your thoughts.

He calmly layed down his fork.
"I'm sorry." That's it. Was that everything he had to say? You waited and so he went on.
"I should've wrote or called you after the incident but it just never really ... fit you know. And later I was very busy and then after years I didn't really wanted to bother you and burst into your life like that... I guess."

It was the first time he looked really sincere about his feelings. Like he really felt what he was saying.
"It's not like I haven't thought about you." He said quietly.

Shit, this man got you feeling all type of ways.

"I understand, but I would really have appreciated if you at least would've gave me a sign that your a live. Also you're not a bother. We are friends right? Friends help each other!"

He nodded. "Yeah, I guess."

Then it was quiet again but it was not as tense as before but still there was a question that was laying on your tongue.

As you both had finished your breakfast you took the plates and put them in the sink. Your hands started shaking a bit at the thought of the night.

You really didn't want to speak a bout it right now but you couldn't help but whisper to yourself. "What even was that."

Authors note:
Sorry for the slow chapter. Really trying to get a bit more speed into it, but I still hope you enjoyed.

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