What It Takes To Be Number One

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Bakugo rushes toward you and you back into the classroom wall. He punches the wall next to your head in a mini explosion and you are forced to close your eyes to avoid getting chunks of exploding wall in them, "I SAID SHUT THE HELL UP! Stop talking about things you know nothing about! You don't know anything, dammit!"

You open your eyes again and say softly, "It's not too late to change. You can do better- you are capable of treating people better. If you start now, you can find a way to relate better to the people around you and actually have people like you. You can still become the number one hero and be nice to the people around you or at least go out of your way not to be purposefully mean. I think that if you give it a chance, you will find that having friends to support you and have your back, will make your journey to the top much easier. Then, when you finally get there, you won't be all alone. You have people around you that like you and want to see you succeed."

Bakugo is quiet. He just exhales in and out heavily through his nose and glares at you.

"I'm done now, I promise." You brandish your arms in a truce seeking motion, "That is all I have to say. I won't bring it up again. And I'm sorry if I said anything mean," you tack on as an afterthought. "It wasn't my intention to hurt you."

Bakugo narrows his eyes and inclines his head to you, his face contorted in a sneer, "Why are you even bothering with me?" He spits, "If I'm such a lost cause. Trying to play hero and 'save' me- am I your next project?"

You shake your head in protest, "No, that's not what I-"

"Do you think you're better than me? Ha! Of course you do! Is that what this? You're trying to screw with me and get into my head? Well, guess what- it's not working. So you can just save yourself the time and stop trying to mess with me." Bakugo's eyes take on a crazed glow, "So guess what? You can just go die with all the other extras and get out of my way. And when I become number one hero, I'll make sure that you never find a job at a hero agency! GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD THAT I AM BETTER THAN YOU AND YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO SURPASS ME."

You wince when he screams the last bit in your face because man, is Bakugo loud. "I don't care what you think," you respond coldly. "You can try all you want to hold me back, but I won't let you take me down. I won't surpass you because I'm better- no. I'm going to surpass you because I will have the support of my friends and I will not be alone when I reach the top. I'm going to get there along with everyone else because we work together." You let that sink in for a moment before throwing Bakugo's arm out of the way and leave him alone. Just like he likes. Just like he wants to be. And just like will be if he ever reaches the top.


The nerve of that jerk. He drags you into that room and then tries to play it like he's the victim. You've tried being nice, and you've tried talking some sense into him. To explain to Bakugo how his actions are perceived by others. But, no. He doesn't care!

But the real question is, why do you? Why do you care so much? Maybe you thought that just maybe, you could make a difference and try to be his friend. You've seen how Bakugo interacts with those around him and his lone wolf existence seems, well... lonely.

You shake your head and refuse to dwell on trying to change the impossible any longer. You need to move on and stop thinking about that stupid jerk. Oooh, he makes you so mad!

You walk down the hallway, feet pounding. Until you make it outside, then you start to run. By the time you sprint up the flights of stairs to your room, sweat pours off you and you can barely catch your breath. Most of the pent up emotion has left your body. Man, anger is so draining. You shuck off your clothes, uniform flying randomly in your room and pad into the bathroom, turning on the shower almost as hot as it will go. Steam fogs the bathroom and you stand under the scalding water, letting it pelt you.

By the time you come out of the shower, you feel more yourself again. It isn't until the next day that you feel completely better again.

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