Chapter 12

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(Jimmy's POV)

What to do, what to do, I repeated to myself since I had no one else to talk to.

I paced around the box, trying to find a way out.

What if nyan comes and I fly away on it? I wondered, then laughed. That's obviously not going to happen. It's pretty obvious that it can't get inside the room.

I continued pacing, something that reminded me of Carter. The glass wasn't going to break so I can eliminate that option. I couldn't just climb out because the glass went all the way to the ceiling.

"So frustrating," I mumbled.

I shook my head roughly, hoping to wake Johnny up. This only made me dizzy and cause me to sit down with my back against the glass. I leaned my head back and sighed. Maybe I could use a laser, like the kinds they use to cut gems. That's it! Gems! Diamonds! Diamonds are the strongest things in the world! Now I just need to find a diamond. Where do diamonds come from? The ground!

I grabbed my knife and moved onto my knees. The floor was made of white concrete but that shouldn't be too hard to break, right? I stabbed my knife into the ground but it just made a clinking sound. I glared at it and tried again but nothing worked.

"I thought knifes could break concrete," I said.

I stabbed it again, throwing my hand down as hard as possible. When I pulled back I could see a small chip in the ground, riling up my excitement.

"What are you trying to do?" A voice asked.

I glared up at Max who stood by the glass with his arms crossed and looking quite amused.

"That's none of your business," I growled.

"Oh, but if you're destroying my property then I'm pretty sure it starts turning into my business," Max countered.

"Your property? You're new here, how'd you become the lead so quickly?" I asked.

"I have my ways," Max said. "And I also have something else."

He snapped his fingers and glass started to lower from the ceiling. It came from either side of my box, each with three walls and using my wall as the last one. It was like a big rectangle with three different rooms.

What is he doing? I wondered.

He pulled out the same remote as before and pressed the big red button. A hole opened up at the top of the other two boxes. Screams could be heard from a distance but they started to grow louder and louder. Toast fell into the box to my left and Carter fell into the one on my right.

"Carter!" I shouted.

I ran to the glass and pressed my face against it. She groaned in pain and rolled over onto her back. Her eyes were squeezed shut and a hand was kept on her back.

Over to my left, Toast quickly stood up to his feet. He took a running start and hit his shoulder against the glass again and again. He took a step back to rub his arm before punching it.

"I've already tried that," I said.

He looked over at me like he was just realizing the both of us were here.

"Jimmy? How long have you been here?" Toast asked.

"Five hundred years," I replied.

"What's Johnny saying?" Toast asked.

"I don't know. I knocked him out," I said.

"Why did you do that?" Toast asked.

"He told me to try and break the glass with my head!" I exclaimed.

My Killer Returns (Sequel to My Life with a Killer. Jimmy Casket. Venturiantale Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now