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So, as of right now, there will not be a third book. DONT STOP READING THO. If you don't know, I have started a new story called The Quad Code. I might do a third book after I'm finished with this one. If I don't end up writing a third one then this will be my last venturiantale story.

I have started school 4 weeks ago so I don't have as much time to write, plus I volunteer at the library after school. So updates will probably be less frequent.

But my new book also incorporates death and insanity and ghosts, because everyone knows that that's a necessity in every book. Here's the description:

I felt like I wanted to die. My heart was torn out and shredded into minuscule pieces. It happened two weeks ago but it felt like two minutes ago. Nothing could fix me. Not my family nor my friends. I was shattered and broken. The only thing keeping me sane is them. Although, sometimes I feel as though they're driving me insane.

It's basically about a girl named Hope Woods. She used to be a quadruplet with three brothers but they died in an accident. Their names were Aidan, Parker, and Riley (or Lee, as he likes to be called). She starts seeing them everywhere, driving her to the brink of insanity and making her go to extremely lengths to stay under the radar. I don't wanna reveal too much because this story actually has a plot line. Surprising, right? I even know the last chapter and I don't usually know that until chapter 15. And it's like my first story ever with an actual plot line.

So thanks to everyone who voted on this story and read it and commented on it (my comment sections are messed up). You're all superbly fantabulous! XD

My Killer Returns (Sequel to My Life with a Killer. Jimmy Casket. Venturiantale Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now