Chapter 28

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I didn't go to sleep last night but this chapter is edited, may not be a very good edit though. Play the song whenever I guess.


(Carter's POV)

All the workers stood with guns, poised as if they knew we were coming. Max sat behind them on a large chair, similar to a throne. He must've worked hard to get up in the ranks. Looks like he's the boss now.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Max asked. "I've been expecting you."

"That was probably the most cliché villain thing you could've said," Jimmy said.

"But have you ever thought that maybe you are the villains," Max countered. "I'm not the villain here, you are. We are the good guys, the heroes if you may. We are here to stop you from creating anymore mass destruction. It's like in a story, we're the protagonist and you're the antagonist."

He wasn't technically wrong. We are the villains. The ever needed bad guys point of view because the world isn't just black and white, there's some grey mixed into it. You have to know a person's story before you could really tell if they're the antagonist or protagonist. Who knows, the robber may be stealing money to feed his family, and the firefighter could be abusive to his own. Everyone has their own story, everyone has their own life's. And as you're walking down the street, you'll pass people, people that you'll never know their story.

"We're just trying to have some fun," Jimmy defended. "You're just being a spoilsport and ruining it for us."

"Having fun doesn't have to involve killing people," Max said.

"It does if you're insane!" Jimmy countered.

The vent on the wall suddenly broke open and Melody, Ben drowned, Christina, and Bloody Franshine dropped to the ground. Another door opened and the rest of the group walked in, all forming a line. It reminded me slightly of the big battle scene from Twilight. The only difference is that this isn't between vampires and werewolves. That and we were outnumbered rather than it being even. And in the end of Twilight, the good guys win. But hopefully the good guys don't win in our situation, we are far from the good guys.

"You're really just making this easier for me, aren't you?" Max asked.

"I think it's time for you to go down, Max Jacobs," Jimmy said.

Then suddenly, a knife went flying.

And that's when all hell broke loose.

People with knifes charged forward and the ones with guns stood back and fired. It was absolute chaos. The smoke from the guns soon built up at the ceiling, blocking out most of the light. It was dim and smelled of blood as people dropped left and right. The people who work for the Men of Mayhem were all wearing black so that made it a little easier to tell who was who. My ears were ringing with the gunfire but that still didn't block out my thoughts. I may not like it, but I know what I need to do. It's either kill or be killed, and I'd rather not die.

"Carter! Look out!" Toast yelled.

I turned and pulled out the pistol, shooting the guy who was running at me. The tall man dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes. Something surged through me then, something that Jimmy must always feel when he kills. It's power and control. I couldn't lie and say it didn't feel the least bit nice. So many people were dying that the whole ground was now covered in a small puddle of blood. It was gruesome, to say the least.

My Killer Returns (Sequel to My Life with a Killer. Jimmy Casket. Venturiantale Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now