Marcus rashford- he got in a fight

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You was at a bar with some of the girls and their partners all having a few drinks and a nice time when you all noticed a circle being formed in the outside of the bar. You all ignored it not wanting to get involved.

As you were chatting away Jack came up to you.

"Uhh y/n you might wanna come outside" he said

"Why" you questioned suspiciously

"Marcus is beating someone up" he said grabbing your hand to pull you outside

"Jack I swear to god you better be joking why would Marcus do that" you questioned wondering why the hell Marcus would do that

You pushed your way through the crowd of people to be faced with Marcus holding someone by the collar before putting them down and punching them for what looked like the 2nd or 3rd time.

You stood in shock for a moment after seeing the look on Marcus' face he looked like steam was about to come from his ears.

You decided enough was enough

"Marcus what the fuck" you said going to grab him and pull him away from the fight

"Go inside y/n" he said

"No your coming with me. Now" you shouted pulling him out the crowd and round the corner away from it all.

"What the actual fuck was that Marcus! I've never seen you get in a fight like that. Ever"'you asked him

At this point you could see he was clearly extremely drunk to the point where he was about to pass out

"Just annoying me and the lads you know I had to just set him straight"He slurred his way through the sentence

You grabbed his hand leading him to the car, you helped him in then got in yourself.

The drive home was quiet. Marcus occasionally nodding off then waking back up.

"Are you angry at me" he said


"Well yeah you are cos your not answering me properly" he said again

"Hello y/n are u angry at me"

"Will you shut up Marcus" you snapped

"Well can you stop acting annoying" he said

"Can you stop beating people up"
You said back

"I knew you was annoyed" he said

"I just don't get it" you said as your pulled into the driveway "I've not seen you do anything like that before ever and I've never thought you would"

"I know but he was annoying me" he said back

"Okay but still? I get your drunk but this has never happened before" you said "i just don't want this to become your thing. Thats not the Marcus I fell in love with"

You opened the car door and got out. Walking towards the front door you hear Marcus come up behind you

"What do you mean the not Marcus you fell inlove with?" He questioned but you didn't respond

You opened the front door and went straight to the sofa

"Your being so dramatic it was a little fight"
He signed sitting next to you

"I can't remember the last time you got into a fight so it was just weird" you said

"Ok" he said back

"Why do it" you asked

"I don't know he was just annoying and I've been stressed and I don't know but can you just get over it" he asked

"I don't know" you said back

"Okay look I'll promise that it won't happen again ever ever ever" he said holding his pinky out

"Fine" you said doing the pink promise

He gave you a kiss

"Love you" he said

"Love you too"

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