Just One Last Time

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You were packing your stuff to be given to charity because you don't need it anymore. You look at the Percy Jackson and the Heroes Of Olympus book series for one more time. You remember the experiences when you read the books. You laugh, you cried. All the experiences that you missed. You now have a social life that's why you don't need this any longer. You had a Wattpad account for all the obsessions you had for the characters but you abandon it. You put the books into a box. You shed a tear when you closed the box. Then you heard a knock on the door. It was all the characters in the two series of Percy Jackson. Percy held out his hand said "But before you go, let's all have just one more adventure. What do you say?"


The answer is in your hands. I don't know what you will answer. I'm really sorry guys. I actually cried thinking that abandon you guys. I abandon the readers. I abandon the stories. I abandon the account. I abandon Wattpad. I am really sorry guys. I hope you can forgive me. I bet I lost loads of readers. I lost everyone. I lost everything. I'm sorry.

-Adlina (the lost author)

Headcannons and One-Shots (Percy Jackson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora