Not expecting that

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"Isn't it nice?" Nico asked Thalia about the the forest. It was beyond beautiful. "It's so beautiful." "But not as beautiful as you, darling." Nico smiled cheekily while Thalia just blush. They walk around for a bit and stop when they saw a lake. That's when Nico got close to Thalia and the question that he had been wanting to ask. "Thalia, even if people say that there is alot of fishes in the sea but you are the only one I laid my eyes on. Will you be my girlfriend?" Nico asked nervously. Thalia just smiled and got really close to Nico's face and whispered "No." Nico was shocked and said "No?" "No. PEACE OUT SUCKAAA!!" Suddenly appeared a unicorn and Thalia ride it and yelled "LOOK BEHIND YOU!" Nico looked behind him and saw Will standing there. "How dare you cheat on me?!?!?" Will slapped him with his Gucci bag and walked out with shades on. Nico was gobsmacked. I never knew Will was sassy.


Hey there! Don't kill me, please.  *someone throws rock at head* okay okay stop, please. I know I haven't updated in a few months I guess. I went to a holiday in Australia and I can't use my phone at all. Well..

COOKIES FOR EVERYONE (::) (::) (::) (::)

Headcannons and One-Shots (Percy Jackson)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin