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"No Travis! I don't even want to prank anyone." Katie said rather loudly. She doesn't want to prank anyone especially Drew, daughter of Aphrodite.

"Come on Kate! Please!!!!" Travis begged. "Number one, Never Ever call me Kate and number two, No.

After a few minutes of begging and pleads, Katie finally gave in.

They waited until all of the Aphrodite siblings went out to go training. Then they sneaked inside the cabin. "Are you sure Travis?" "Yes. Now come follow me. " Travis said. Then Katie followed Travis to the bathroom.

"Out of everything in the cabin, you chose the bathroom." Katie said while her eyebrows raised and crossed her arms. "Yes." Katie then sighed. Travis took all of Drew's shampoos then took out something from his back. A super glue.

After he finished, he grabbed Katie's hand then ran out of the cabin.

       *Few hours later*

A screamed came from the Aphrodite cabin. "STOLLS!!!!!!!!"

Travis smirked and laughed quietly. Well tried to laugh quietly.

                 ~The End ~

Sorry. I haven't been updating lately. Exams are giving me headaches. Two weeks of exams. Not a good thing to do to the students. By the way, I want to tell you something. I have a bit of a writers block.

Hope you like this. BYEEEEEEEEEEE! !

~ DELINA (::)

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