.Red Ribbon.

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It was safe to say that Osoro was obsessed.

The group of delinquents didn't completely know, but were catching wind of it.


It was that time in the year where people had to switch seats. 

Everyone stood up and chose the seats that they would remain in for the next quarter.

Ayano got to choose first, as they were going alphabetically by first name.

She went and sat down in the seat in front of the one she had prior.




Eventually it was Osoro's turn to pick a desk.

He chose to sit to the left of Gaku, his friend.

Which just so happened to be behind Ayano.


Ayano sat in the seat in front of the one she had prior.

She had no understanding as to why they had to switch seats if the ones prior worked just as well.

She didn't question it though. She didn't actually care.


The rest of the day proceeded as normal. Except for one thing..

Ayano kept feeling eyes on her. Not menacing.. Curious.. 

When Ayano turned around though, no one was there. Just halls filled with the normal students.


Umeji realized Osoro looking down halls filled with students as they walked by.

Umeji tried to analyze who he could be looking at, but they walked away to quickly.

He summed it up to someone who owed payment, and that Boss would take care of it soon.


Ayano went to the back of the school after cleaning time ended.

She stood next the withered flower she had left weeks ago for the dead kitten.

Leaning against the brick building, Ayano looked at the flower before reaching into her pocket.

She pulled out a box of cigarettes.

She hadn't opened it yet, but when she did, she looked at the white contents.

Pulling out one of the cigars, she lit it and stuck it in her mouth.

She huffed out smoke. It didn't taste good at all.

Once there was only a small bit of white left, she dropped it on the ground and put it out with her foot.

She pulled out her phone and drew an X mark next to 'Smoking'  in her notes.

The feeling of being watched was back, the same one. 

Pressing her body into the brick wall, she only had 180 degrees to be viewed from. Besides the classroom windows. But the curtains on those are loud, and she would've noticed if they were opened. Even if she was outside.

She kept her gaze at her phone, not alerting whoever was watching.

She had to think of where they were watching her from.

Not the doors, they creak loudly.

The gaze was at her left side. Which would mean that's were the person is, clearly.

Male!Osoro x Ayano | Love Like RosesWhere stories live. Discover now