Chapter 2: The Roof

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**Author's note: I've been watching Alice in Borderland and I'm obsessed with Niragi, so I decided to put him into my story as the character Haru. I know he isn't really half Korean, this is all just for fun and I'm not trying to make a crossover story. Please comment and like if you enjoy! I try to make all of my chapters long and worth the read.**

Setting: Nalia is at school.

"So you're from Chicago, right?" The blonde girl with the Nordic accent asked Nalia. "My brother studied there for a while. He said it was really nice!"

Nalia nodded. "Yeah, it can be! It's cold though."

The blond girl laughed. "Well, we're Swedish, so we're used to it. Hey, do you have Line?"

"I do!" Nalia held out her phone so the girl could scan her QR code.

"Cool. I'm trying to make a Line group with all of the international students so we can hang out."

Nalia smiled. "That's a great idea! I need to meet people."

"Same. Hey, I've got to get to class, but I'll see you soon! Nice to meet you, Nalia."

"You too." Nalia peeked at the Line app, and noticed the girl's name. She'd met so many people that it was hard to keep track. "Josie. Nice to meet you Josie."

The conversation she had just had mirrored the five or six conversations Nalia had had throughout her first day at school. She'd met Josie in her Ancient Korean History 101 class. Her other new friends were Jack (from Canada) and Ju (from China) in her North and South Korean Relations class, and Sarah and Desmond (both from the UK) in her Korean Language class. Nalia had taken a test and ended up in the Novice class, which suited her fine. She knew she wasn't a beginner; she had the hangeul and basic phrases down, but she really needed to practice speaking, especially if she was living off-campus.

"Hi Nalia!" came a voice from behind her. It was Haru, who she'd met in her orientation, although he wasn't in any of her classes. Haru was half Korean and half Japanese, and had been living in Seoul for two years. He has previously attended a different university, and it was his first semester at Eunhye-dong.

 He has previously attended a different university, and it was his first semester at Eunhye-dong

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"Hey," she replied. She shifted her heavy backpack from one shoulder to the other. "What are you up to?"

"I was just about to go get some bubble tea actually. Do you want to come? There's a great spot about 15 minutes from campus."

"Sure," said Nalia. She had a ton of reading to do, but she figured it wouldn't hurt to do more socializing, especially since she probably wouldn't have it at Eden Residence.

The night before, she'd been awakened by more strange noises in the complex. She could have sworn she heard the pervy man masturbating (ew), and the laughing man from down the hall occasionally burst into uncontrollable fits while his brother shouted at him to be quiet. She heard nothing from Moon-Jo, whose door was firmly shut when she left for school in the morning.

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