Chapter 8: My Heart Between Your Teeth

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**A/N - Ahhh okay i wanted to hold off but i can't lol i want everyone to enjoy this as much as I have. You've been waiting for this, but I will warn you, this chapter is EXTREMELY NSFW!! Trigger warnings for a LOT of sexual content. It is all CONSENSUAL sexual content, but because it's Moon-Jo (spoiler alert) it might be a bit rough so trigger warnings for some rough sexual content as well, and some blood imagery (mostly imagined) because like #justmoonjothings, we know how he loves the red stuff. Please vote and comment. Love you, hope this was worth the wait angels xoxoxo**

PPPPPS. Credit where credit is due: the title of this chapter comes from the song "Two Dancers [ii]" by Wild Beasts, it's a very Moon-Jo song anyways ok im shutting up bye

O, do you want my heart between your teeth?
Your hands are curling up like floating leaves
You who shall deserve
You who shall deserve

**Nalia's perspective**

Moon-Jo backed out of the parking lot of Eden and drove the car down the steep hill. Expertly he navigated the winding streets of Seoul, occasionally pointing out a place he liked or a site of interest. Nalia had no clue where they were going. They passed a sign proclaiming that they were entering the Itaewon district, and Nalia secretly gasped. This part of town is so expensive!

Large crowds of young people milled through the streets, smoking, drinking, eating, laughing, and smiling. This was the party area of Seoul. It didn't seem like Moon-Jo's vibe, and Nalia was relieved when they rounded up to a quieter area away from the flashing neon lights. Moon-Jo pulled into the parking garage of a high-rise building.

Nalia looked around nervously. "Um... Is this a restaurant?" She asked timidly. She did trust Moon-Jo, but Haru's sudden outburst of texts made her suspicious.

"Something like that," her suitor replied mysteriously. He exited his car and opened her door for her, taking her hand to help her down. This time, he didn't let go. He walked her to the entrance leading into the complex and then to the elevator. She was surprised when he pulled out a keycard and tapped it against one of the sensors, and then pressed the button for the penthouse floor.

"Where are we going?"

Moon-Jo was silent. He stared straight ahead at the doors, his small smile stuck on his face, until the elevator reached the 33rd floor. It opened to a hallway with just two apartments, 3301 and 3302. He pulled out a key for 3301 and opened the heavy door.

Inside, Nalia was greeted by a spotless white living room with a cream-colored leather couch. It faced a gigantic TV screen hung on the wall. Potted plants decorated the corners and tasteful nature art dotted the rest of the empty wall space. To the left was a gleaming stainless-steel kitchen sporting white cupboards and grey marble countertops, and to the right, a dark hallway led to what she assumed was a bedroom and bathroom. Directly in front of her, floor-to-ceiling windows provided a spectacular view of the cityscape. The glass door to a balcony beckoned to her to step out.

Moon-Jo cleared his throat. "I live in Eden to be close to Mrs. Um, but this is my second home." He closed the door behind them. "I thought I could cook for you, jagiya. Would that be okay?"

Nalia was practically speechless. "Of course!"

Moon-Jo smiled. "Really? Please let me know if you're not comfortable. We can go to a real restaurant."

Nalia laughed. "No, it's totally fine." She touched his arm playfully. "I mean, as long as you're a good cook."

"I can do it all," he promised, and Nalia believed him.

He surprised her by deciding to cook a pasta dish. He even grabbed an apron to put on over his white shirt, which made her giggle. He looked so... cute? She helped him out by cutting the garlic and other vegetables while he prepared the sauce. Delicious smells filled the kitchen, making her stomach rumble. She hoped she could actually eat; she was so nervous.

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