Chapter 3: Slasher In Residence

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They had been walking for a long time now. Some of the kids were sleeping on Omega's back, and Shadow was going ahead of them to see if there were any threats to deal with. Rouge was helping Mighty walk, seeing as he lost two limbs of his, while Cosmo herself was walking in the front, leading them. She was still kind horrified about the prospect of losing her arm, but just like this world, she was getting used to it bit by bit. It wasn't as if there any time for panic, they always kept moving towards Angel Island, some times they would be able to rest the night, but there were always constant fear of getting caught by surprise. It's wasn't all that bad though, the conversations they had while walking were always interesting to her, she even got to know team dark a little bit more. Rouge decided out of nowhere to act like a mom to them, which Cosmo wasn't complaining, she really needed that extra comfort. Shadow is a little more recluse, but he was always friendly towards her, and they got even more close due to Shadow wanting to teach her how to fight. She objected at first, but gave up when she noticed Shadow wouldn't take a no for an answer. She could tell he was still blaming himself for what happened to her. The kids were also a good addition, it was great talking to someone her age again, felt a little bit like her sisters. There was also this Squirrel she had found an interest in, Ray. He used to walk with the big heroes, and he could tell such amazing stories about the world when it wasn't like this.  Ray tells her that Sonic wouldn't even think before deciding to help someone, and how his demise made everyone hopeless in the begining. She would be lying if she didn't find him quite...cute. She tries to shake these thoughts away, it's probably just her being too clingy.

Just then, she is able to see Shadow from afar, making his way back to them, seeming a lot more happy than when he first got out.

-Mister Shadow? Is everything okay?

-I'm fine Cosmo. Do you know where Rouge is?

-She's at the back of the row, taking care of Mighty and the other kids. Why?

- I think I just found us a place to stay for a while, but I need to talk with Rouge first.

And just like that, Shadow ran towards the back row.

-What was that all about?

-I don't know...something about a place for us to stay.

-Thank chaos. I was getting worried about Mighty, he is using too much force for his own good.

Ray was always looking out for the team, even if there wasn't much he could do at this moment. He didn't wanted things to go wrong again. It seemed almost too good to be true that he managed to escape the hellhole he was in.

Sometime later, Shadow comes back with Rouge, and they changed their course. Shadow had found some sort of underground bunker, just like the one they had, but way, way more bigger. Quite some time later, they arrived at the said bunker. The place had a metal door, inside there were a bunch of supllies, and not to mention the beds and couch all over the facility. No wonder Shadow was smilling all the way, this place looked like heaven after what they went through.

-But what about Angel Island Shadow?

-Well, after three years of no sleep, I guess a little six hour nap would do me some good.

They were able to settle in quite easily. The place was way too big, so they all agreed to just stay on one part of the facility. As the night came, they team had put candles all around the place, the dimly lit light was scary but at the same time comforting. Sitting close to each other, the kids waited as Ray prepered to tell the story of how he had first met Sonic The Hedgehog.

-So... we were all imprisioned by the evil doctor Robotinik. But Sonic, he...hehe...he just keeps spindashing on the cell we were kept in. He just didn't gave up. We just thought he was crazy at the time, but our faces just fell when he actually managed to destroy a major part of the fences. Shortly there after, me and Mighty began doing the same, and then-

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