Chapter 6: Past and Future

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-What happened to them? I...I want to know.


It all started with a flash in the sky, and suddenly everything was different. The world around them was dying, creatures were rising from the ground, monsters made of complete darkness attack the mobian life.

That's when the heroes showed up. The chaotix, and even villains like the babylonians were trying to defeat the vile creatures. And for a while, it was working, the monsters were drawing in. The monsters were stronger, but there was a bunch of them. But, you see, that's what Dark gaia was counting on. With one feel swoop, one of the monsters managed to scrap their teeth into one of them, Charmy. He screamed in pain. A strange dark liquid flooding from where the scracth was.

-Are you ok kid?

Vector said, confused and worried at the boy's sudden reaction. -Never better!- Before Vector could react to what was just said, Charmy bites a chunk of his neck, making the crocoodile curse himself. -Damm it!

-Vector, are you okay?

-Espio, get out of here!

Espio stays still, not fully understanding what was happening to his friends. All around him, he saw people with the same behavior. Storm was chasing his teamates, with the same dark eyes that Charmy possesed. Before his own teamates could do the same to Espio, an invisible force pushes them off the side. Silver, along with team dark, manage to help the survivors make their escape.

-Espio, come on!

Silver screams impatiently, along with the rest of team. Espio goes back to his stoic self, and follows them. They manage to take all the survivors in their ship, and flee to their hidden G.U.N base.

Only Espio, team Dark, Silver and two of three members of the babylon rogues survived. Which was a lot, but they didn't know what was happening to the rest, the rest of their friends.

-Tails and Amy are on the other side of the planet, Mighty is off comunications . And Angel Island just...disappeared from the face of the planet. We are trying to know it's location, but the base has just enough power to keep the lights and doors on.

As Shadow explained to everyone their situation, Espio looked at the room they were all in. Jet and Wave were just standing away from each other, trying to pretend that nothing happened, clearly trying to cope. Rouge and Topaz are just sitting, looking at each other.

-I'm okay, babe, I'm alright. We are going to get through this. Together.

-I don't you away, Rouge. Please, just, stay with me.

-I promise.

Their loving embrace remind him of his own team, his family. He looks over at Silver, the only one that doesn't have a family in this timeline and... oh god.

-Silver, are you okay?

Silver looks at his hand, slowly dissapearing from his view. He tried to scream, but at that point, he had completely vanished, as if he was never here. Everyone on the room starts to get nervous, looking at the place that once a White hedgehog was. Rouge is the first one to break the silent.

-What happened to him?!

- He was erased from the timeline.

Shadow says, still with his stoic impression, as if nothing had affected him still.

-But we changed the future before, and this never happened!

-Yes, but we never changed it completely, the future always had something that Silver could came back too, that could connect him to here.

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