Chapter 7: Light Reborn

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Knuckles was torn apart between his duty and his friends. Life hadn't been nice on him, he doesn't remember how many years he was alone in this Island, with the only thing keeping him sane being the powers of the Master Emerald that he now possessed. 

Thinking that he was never going to see another face again, Knuckles had a lot time to think, a lot of time to delve deeper into his inner mind. He thought that all of mobius was erased, or at least, that's what the M.E. made him believe. Besides everything, his life mission never changed; keep the Master Emerald safe, which meant protect himself too.

But then Knuckles remembers his friends. Sonic, Tails, Rouge...He counted on them and they on him. Friendship was all over back in the day. So when Shadow came asking for his help, why didn't he? After all, wouldn't he do the same if Knuckles needed help? But then again, they were in different circumstances; just like he told Cosmo, something bad could happen if the Master Emerald was taken.

This back and forth inside his mind was going on for a while now, and there was no way he was expecting to found an answer any time soon. But, unlike before, he didn't had enough time to think. He doesn't even know if the Master Emerald would allow him to help, but there he was; with Shadow, Tails, and Cosmo asking him for help in what will be possibly be their last stand.

-It's your decision, but your help would be great appreciated in the battle that is to come.

Hearing Shadow speak, gave out the impression that he was holding his anger against Knuckles. It was as if he wanted to shout at him for making a fool of himself, again. Or, at least, that's what Knuckles wanted to say to himself at that moment. How many times has he been tricked before? How many times has he made things difficult for his friends just because of this ''duty'' that he was starting to dislike more and more.

He figured enough was enough. – I will help you.- But as he tried to give a step foward, he found his body not complying to him. It was the Master Emerald.

-Listen to me, listen to me now!- Knuckles said as he would hold his head with his hands, as if trying to get something out of his face, to the shock of everyone. But as much as he tried to take control again, there was nothing he could do.-I-I can't live like this, not anymore. You need to understand!-

Suddenly, Knuckles stopped moving, being completely still, as if he had become a statue on itself. Tails felt a little bad for his old friend. in that moment they thought they would never see him again, but just as it came, Knuckles come back to life, seemingly being in complete control of his movements now.

-Let's go.- Knuckles said simply, as if that explained everything.

What happened?- Tails asked, feeling a little scared of the answer.

-I made a deal with it. After this battle, the Master Emerald will take full control of my body, and make it's own will.

-Knuckles...- Cosmo said, feeling guilty that she had a part in making Knuckles help them.

-It's okay, anything's better than staying here and doing nothing.

-I hope you don't regret your decision. - Shadow said, already entering into full soldier mode.

-I won't.

The plan as more or less simple. Knuckles as to teleport Angel Island into the center of the planet, where Dark gaia would be hidden. There, they would search for the deceased Light Gaia, Chip, the one who helped Sonic in the final battle, and died with him.  Knuckles could lend them some of his chaos energy, as well as provide support.

-I can turn you into your super form, but it will be a lot harder for your to hold it without the chaos emeralds.- Knuckles said to Shadow.

-Do it.- In a flash, Shadow's black fur was changed into a completely yellow aura.

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