Chapter 4: The King In Yellow

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Cosmo doesn't remember how many days had passed since they first started down this path, neither how she got here, in this strange place. She still remembers when they had burried Rouge's body, her death was a reminder to her, to never let another friend have the same fate, but also to not relly on her emotions that much, she needed to be more in control. Shadow noticed how Cosmo was becoming more stoic and apathetic as the days passed. He relished at the thought that the apocalypse was ruining another one of his friends. He wanted to cheer her up, wanted to bring her old self back, but there was nothing he could do, as he already knew there was no turning back. Omega was nowhere near to be seen, it was just both of them stuck in some sort of metalic prison.

-Cosmo, are you ok?

-I am...but where are we?

Truth be told, none of them remember the moment they got taken down here by, all Shadow knew was that he was resting in a camp they had made for the night, and the last thing he knew he arrived here. The place looked like a cave, but with the metalic door behind them, Shadow thought isn't exactly that. Susprinslgy, they still have their gadgets. Cosmo still had that crossbow that she almost never took off her hand. She was being more and more skillfill with it, even with only one hand.

-Wake up, zombies. Time for the coliseum.

Suddenly everything started making sense to Shadow, the appearence of two sentient robots outside their cell made him be sure that Omega was behind this. But why? They had their differences, sure, but they were still friends.

-Zombies? Coliseum? What are they talking about Shadow? Where is Omega?!

Cosmo asked angrily, as if she had come to the same conclusion. The two robots open the door, and start leading them to another room. Both of them seemed to be made in the bassis of an old swat bot, the kind that eggman used during the mobian war. And sure enough, they were led by a coliseum, with hundred upon hundred of robots watching them from far away. It almost seemed surreal, like they were still dreaming back at the camp. But Shadow lost the ability to dream a long time ago, and for Cosmo everything seemed surreal these days.

-Cosmo, listen, whatever happens,I-

Before he could finish, Shadow is punched in the gut by a robot, who was probably their combatant in this fight, making him fall down for a minute. He usually wasn't this weak, but surviving the apocalypse had taken a number to him, especially after everything they had gone through. It's the reason why he doesn't want to use a lot of chaos control in his fights. Cosmo however, fired up her crossbow to the enemies, not really caring for Shadow's input on the matter. It didn't do a lot of damage, but Cosmo kept hitting them to make as much damaged as she could, kepping her distance as to not get caught, using her agility she gained training with Shadow.

He himself was preparing to join her, when he finally takes a look at the combatants they were fighting, one was gray block robot, and the other was red and black formed to look like a literal bomb.

-Heavy...Bomb? It's me. Shadow.

Heavy and Bomb were two of the first eggman robots to even gain consciusness. They were a great help for them in the mobian war, but one day they just dissapeared. He was curious to know what happened to them all those years, he was even more curious as to the origin of this whole robot society they got going on.

- We want to believe that, but there's nothing living on the world below anymore.

-That's not true, there's still mobians alive out there.

-Shadow! They are not the same people anymore, no one you knew is the same, haven't you learned that yet?

Cosmo knew what she said was mean, but she was way too estressed, she needed Shadow to help her. Shadow seems a little concerned at first, but his stoic face takes over.

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