Ch 1

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Izuku Midoriya, was walking with his bestfriend Katsuki Bakugo. The boy had green hair with yellow highlights, two different eye colors the left side was yellow while the right side was green, both sides of his hair was longer than the rest which was considered a part of his quirk. (Edit: the picture above is Izuku's hairstyle). Izuku and Katsuki were really popular in their grade school because of how strong their quirks were. Katsuki had an explosion quirk- sets of explosions from his palm due to his nitroglycerin-like sweat while Izuku had an Atmokinesis quirk- He can manipulate a portion of the weather with his two whip-like and extendable hair.

"Mom I'm home" Izuku said but was greeted with silence so the boy decided to check the kitchen were his mom would usually be but what he saw would haunt him until his last breathe. Inko Midoriya rested her back on the wall blood seeping out of her mouth and a knife stabbed to her chest. The young boy took out his phone and dialed 119.

"1-1-9, What's your emergency?"

"I-its my m-mom she w-wont wake up a-and t-there's blood o-on her. S-someone is also u-upstairs" Izuku stated trying to be calm so the man on the phone could understand him.

"Alright, can you tell me your name, your age and address kid" the male responder said calmy to make sure the kid on the phone wouldnt panic.

"I-izuku Midoriya, I-i'm 10 y-years o-old and I-i live in *-****. Please hu-" Izuku froze in fear when he heard footsteps going to the stairs and walking down of it so the dual eye-colored child went to hid in the cupboard near the refrigirator thinking that the intruder wouldnt find him.

"Izuku? Kid? Is everything alright?" The male grew concerned and worried and immediately demanded for the police and heroes to head over to the kids address

"H-he's here" thats what the male heard from the other line before screams of a child and man angrily saying..

"You called the heroes didnt you,brat! Well who cares they wont find you if you're already dead"

The line cut off immediately. The male rested his back on the chair, threw his head back with his hands covering his face and let out a loud yet tired and worried sigh. 'Hopefully the heroes got there in time'.

Tsukauchi was now investigating the place along with two pro heroes specifically Eraserhead and Ingenium. Tsukauchi found the body of Inko so he checked if the woman was still alive unfortunately she wasnt "This is Tsukauchi, Inko Midoriya, deceased, over". Ingenium walked in the kitchen "Found anything?" The older Iida shook his head and looked over to the cupboard where the boy hid.

"I'll check for clues here. Daichi, the male Izuku spoke to said he hid in the cupboard" the detective stated making Ingenium crouch down and started investigating. "Uhh what are you doing Ten?" Eraser who just entered the room confused as to why his friend was crouching near the cupboard.

"Aha!" The two looked at the Turbo hero "Thank Kami. The kid is quite smart" "Quite smart isnt the right word Ingenium. The kid has a lot if first place awards in academics. Heck, he has a lot of trophies from gradeschool academic contests like: Science Fair, Math Teacher's Association Program contests and Robotics Extravaganza"

The two were shock the kid was really smart "So what did you find?" Ingenium sighed and spoke "The name of the intruder and his quirk but I dont think either of us heroes will like this at all." The sentence alone made the two feel uneasy and worried.

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