Chapter 2

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Next day Inko and Izuku searched for a school with online classes. This way Izuku didn't need to state his quirk and still attend classes like normal person without need to stay away from others.

Afterwards they searched for martial arts classes. Here again Izuku had to face ugly truth that people will judge him based on his quirk first and foremost. After lots of searching they finally found a trainer without quirk bias.

Mr Keiji Denmark also known as Captain Flush was a hero with quirk that enhances his senses. The quirk was not really that great but he trained his hardest and made a name for himself as a hero. Now as retired hero he trains children in martial arts regardless of quirk. 

Keiji: Hello welcome to Flush dojo, how may I help you.

Izuku: Y-you are Captain Flush. I am huge fan sir Please sign my book.

Keiji: Wow Not many people even know about me given I am retired and even when I was active I was not that high ranked. What's your name kid.

Izuku: Izuku Midoriya sir. You have a awesome quirk sir just you were not that showy with it that's why you were low ranked, but I like you because hero are there to save people not being showy about it.

Keiji: I like you Izuku not many kids your age think like that. I assume you want to become my student in dojo and want to be a hero.

Izuku: Yes Sir. I want to save as many people as possible and thought martial arts would give me an edge in a fight.

Keiji: Well welcome Kid, You are Mrs?

Inko: Inko Midoriya sir.

Keiji: call me Denmark Mrs Midoriya just tell me his quirk so I can plan his lessons accordingly and we can get started.

Inko: Well he is quirkless but he makes for it in brains.

Keiji: Well that makes my job even easier mam I have to plan lessons accordingly to quirks of students but since he doesn't have one he can learn all types of lessons.

Izuku: Really!

Keiji: yes kid. I know how lacking a quirk can be a handicap in other people's eyes but I don't see it that way. Sure you won't have a quirk to fall back on but we were working and doing things before quirks appeared too right. And don't worry about other kids in my dojo, I don't accept kids who make fun of others based on anything.

Inko: We would be most great full Mr Denmark. we visited other trainers but we got shot down as soon as they learned his lack of quirk. I was already thinking of going to other dojo or make him learn from online videos.

Keiji: You both don't need to worry much about here. Izuku come with me.

In hall

Keiji: Hello students today we have another student here. He is Izuku Midoriya he will start from today. Please welcome him with. Izuku why don't you go meet them and start warming up I will talk to your mother about other things.

Izuku: yes sensei.

In office again.

Keiji: Mam I know you are worried about him and how others or me treat him but rest assured I don't let things like that fly here.

Inko: Thank you sir. He wants to be first quirkless hero to support other quirkless and weak quirked people like him and I can't help but worry and support him you know.

Keiji: I will help all I can with his dream mam. It will be a difficult task and he will fight many established notions but I also can't help but root for dark horse. And it will be inspiring to watch him grow.

Inko: I know.

Izuku started learning fighting techniques from that day. Keiji couldn't help but teach him all he knew about fighting. When Izuku told other kids about his quirklessness they didn't treat him much differently then before.He also got along with many students in dojo. At first he was coming home in bruises that worried his mom but after some time he got fit and stopped coming in bruises which removed her worries.

Since Izuku was online schooling he got to study as he saw fit. He got lots of time on his hand which he used to continue writing note about quirks .After teaching him for about 3 years Keiji recommended Izuku sword fighting to add in his belt.

Keiji: Izuku.

Izuku: yes sensei.

Keiji:  you have learned almost every thing I have to teach you why don't you take sword lessons as well.

Izuku: Hmm. For range purpose yes sensei.

Keiji: Exactly. I will recommend some people to you they are like me who teaches anyone who comes their way.

Izuku: I will talk to mom about it sensei.

Keiji: ok and since I know you I know you will excel in that as well.

Izuku: I am not that great sensei I have to still beat few students of dojo and also you in combat.

Keiji(laughing): Hey if I let you beat me i won't be sensei anymore right.

Izuku: But you don't even try that hard sensei.

Keiji: That's where experience comes into play Izuku. I have many years of experience over you that's why you can't beat me otherwise you would have beaten me long ago.

Izuku: Now you are just flattering me sensei.

Keiji: Nope its the truth come in your last year of middle school or first year of high school you will beat me im sure of it.

Izuku: If you say so sensei.

------------------------------------At Home-------------------------------------------------------------------

Inko: So Izu how is dojo going anything new?

Izuku: Nothing new mom. I got to help some other students with their forms and everything. Got beat by sensei, oh yeah he told me to start sword lessons for range.

Inko: hmm, I understand his reasoning but won't you get hurt and also who will teach sword to you?

Izuku: He said in start to when i master somewhat I won't even touch a sword also he will recommend someone to me.

Inko: Oh, well if that is the case I can rest assured.

Izuku: so I am allowed to learn swords?

Inko: of course it will increase your methods of fighting and i won't have to worry more about you going in a fight without any other tools.

Izuku: did I ever tell you how much i love you mom.

Inko(Laughing): Daily Izu.......

Author's Notes:

So Izuku got started with martial arts lessons. He got proficient in Judo, Karate, Boxing and many more. Since he knows multiple forms Keiji told him to mix them so he can work with anyone instantly.

He is starting to learn sword techniques but won't be fixated on them only.

For now I am just building Izuku up. He is still in learning phase. Give me some more chapters to let him learn sword techniques as well than he will start making splash in world.

As always please review and comment. All criticism are welcome they will improve the story.

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