Chapter 4

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At police station

Inko: can we talk to an officer Naomasa Tsukauchi. We were sent by Keiji Denmark.

??: I'm office Naomasa Tsukauchi, at your service.

Inko: Good evening officer.(Introduces all three)

Naomasa: Good evening mam, how may I help you.

Inko explains everything about toga,her condition and encounter with hero as well Izuku's involvement in that.

Naomasa: well first of all since my quirk allows me to know you weren't lying. but Ill need proof in case of your son's allegations against a hero.

Izuku: I have a video of hero with whole conversation if that's ok with you?

Naomasa: That's awesome and will help you in both your cases actually.

After video.

Naomasa: ok that's even better than I thought I just have two questions for you Midoriya-kun.

Izuku: sure sir.

Naomasa: well why did you tell him your name as ronin?

Izuku: well so that he won't be able to tell my real name to anyone and come after me obviously.

Naomasa: oh well that's good thinking and did you use your quirk to attack him?

Izuku: oh I didn't, I don't even have one.

Naomasa: oh? My first time meeting a quirkless child your age. Well good work Midoriya-kun, know you were a hero today.

Inko: oh It will be future first quirkless hero's first saving.

Naomasa: You planning to be a hero?

Izuku: yes sir.

Naomasa: oh? you really are full of surprises kid. well good luck I'm sure you will do it.

Izuku: Thanks sir.

Naomasa: well we will look into both hero and miss toga's parents. The video and your testimony will be a lot of help in that regard. but where will miss toga will be staying? you have any relative you know of?

Toga: oh? No sir.

Naomasa: you are obviously a minor at 10 years so we have to contact a foster care for you.

Inko: She is only one older than my Izu, she can stay with us if she want.

Naomasa/Toga: you sure Mrs. Midoriya?

Inko: yeah it will be like I have two kids instead of one.(to toga) I already told you to call me Inko Himiko or better call me aunt for now.

Toga: Thanks aunt.

Naomasa: well thanks for help Midoriya-san it will make my job easier. Also thank you for bringing this to us Midoriya-kun. I will contact you in few days with all the details. I will also be visiting from time to time for any future sign of mistreatment from you too.

Inko: Thanks for help officer. You are welcome sir but I assure you there won't be any sign. Oh if we are not available please contact us at Midoriya's Kitchen or Mr. Denmark.

Naomasa: We are always here to help and I have to check just to be sure Mrs. Midoriya also you own Midoriya's Kitchen?

Inko: Owner and head chef sir.

Naomasa: well will keep in mind not to disappoint you now. wouldn't want Midoriya's Kitchen's head chef revoking our eating rights there.

Inko: Haha, we will on our way officer. Come Izu, Himiko.

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