Chapter 3

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It took about 6 months for Izuku to get used to swords. He started with wooden swords to get a feel for them for now. He also continued with his martial arts as to not loose his form in them.

Now its about a year into his training and he is planning to get two swords of his own.

He was thinking along those lines when he was going to home from his training and heard a yell for help in an alleyway. When he got there he got a view of a hero trying to catch a girl around his age.

Hero: Wait villain! you can't run forever from me. you are charged with assault.

??: But I told you It was because of my quirk. I needed blood and I didn't had any for long time.

Hero: Like i care about that all i know is I get to catch a new villain and boast about it.

Izuku got the situation from there conversation and thought of something, he put handkerchief as a make-believe mask and started recording the situation by putting his phone in his shirt's pocket with camera facing outward and proceeded to interfere before the girl gets more harmed.

Izuku(After putting recording on): Well what did I stumble upon? A so called hero trying to bully a little girl and for nothing but get a little fame.

Hero: Who the hell are you interfering in my work kid?

Izuku: Hmm. (I just can't tell him my real name now can I, let's make something up)you can call me Ronin. And you call assaulting a little girl who can get out of it with a little help work of a hero? And here I thought heroes were supposed to save everyone not brand them villain.

Hero: What type of name is Ronin? Are you a vigilante or her accomplice and she assaulted a person how is she not a villain?

Izuku: Neither just a concerned civilian passing by. Well she said it has to do with her quirk right. To me it looks like she has blood deficiency due to it requiring for her quirk. It means her guardians didn't give her enough blood in her diet and it got to her.

Hero: And who would believe you and her over words of a hero. All I care about is getting another villain in and if you interfere maybe put you as her partner so get lost kid.

Izuku: (speaking softly)And here I though I wouldn't have to beat you up.

Hero: Huh?

Izuku proceeded to hit the hero with all his weight behind and slam him to make him unconscious.

Izuku: you are no hero and I will make sure you never try to do anything like this again.

And he removed the mask and stopped the recording after that to look at the girl.

Izuku: Well are you alright miss?

??: I'm fine sir. Thanks for saving me.

Izuku: No problem just doing what's right. What's your name miss?

??: Toga, Himiko Toga and you are Ronin right?

Izuku: well Toga-san I'm Izuku Midoriya. I just didn't want to get my name by the recording or by hero. I'm sorry if I arrived a little late because of that.

Toga: No-no Midoriya-san that's actually smart. Well thank you for help anyway(Trying to get away).

Izuku: Wait like I said I want to help you. You can tell me your address so I can guide you there to your house. I can also tell guardians or parents of yours to give a little bit of blood with your food so this doesn't happen again.

Toga: h-how do you k-know about that?

Izuku: Calm down Toga-san, I won't do anything to you and how do I know well (rubbing back of his head) I'm sorry but I heard a little of your conversation with him to get a knowledge of situation.

Swordsman hero :RoninWhere stories live. Discover now