Chapter 6

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As discussed with Inko, Izuku and himiko started working in their neighbourhood for reducing quirk discrimination. The initial response was not that favourable but after 2-3 months and facing few thugs they were able to make them listen.

Now after a year into their work they have build their name in few parts as hero who works against discrimination and also offers help to anyone who needs it. They have even helped few villains who didn't had a choice due to money or other reasons. They are also famous for not taking any attack against kids. Its rumoured that if you attack a kid in any way or form they will know it and your end won't be pretty. They even worked against few heroes who were either mistreating others or not working properly to revoke their hero license with help from Naomasa.

Initially Naomasa was against their work but after watching them helping few villains get straight and facing few heroes who were working wrongly he also helps them from time to time in exchange they also help him in few cases if they are in their area. In these areas crime rate is very low and all people helps each other but also works as informant for izuku and himiko.

In each area they have stationed a villain that they previously helped or the gang leader in the area. Only these people know actual identity of them rest of population only know they exists and their area is being watched. In these areas no hero or villain is allowed without their each step being watched so they usually stay out of these parts.

Now himiko is 15 and going to try for hero exam in UA. Both izuku and himiko already decided that they both would be day light and underground hero. Day light so that they can bring attention to quirk discrimination and provide hope for people with weak, villainous or no quirk and underground so that they can actually get some good work done.

Now himiko is going to UA to give entrance exam.

Himiko: well to exam we go wish me luck.

Inko/Izuku: Good luck himi.

Himiko: Thanks. 

--------------------------After written exam and explaining practicle-----------------------------------------

Present Mic: Any questions?

Himiko: How someone with a quirk which isn't physical and work with robots can pass this?

Present Mic: what do you mean?

Himiko: well my quirk lets me transform into anyone after activation conditions are met nothing else. you can agree that I can work pretty well in infiltration but how am I supposed to work against robots?

Present Mic: that is good point examine no 2367 but since you want to be a hero you must have worked out or done some exercises right. these robots are not that durable so if you have some experience in fighting you should be good. As my best friend says "a hero shouldn't be one trick phoney" you get what I mean?

Himiko: oh I get it this will be walk in park than.

-------------------------------At exam site------------------------------------------------------

we see himiko stretching to get ready for exercise and sees gate about to be opened

Present Mic: and Go!

As soon as she hears it she proceeded to run and destroy robots.

other examine: haha she got nervous and did an early start not to get left behind by us.

Present Mic: What are you waiting for there are no count downs in real life Go, go, go.

random 2: that means she was right run.

They ran in exam site to see few robots destroyed and her no where in sight.

In background with teachers:

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