Chapter 8

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*Y/N's POV*
I wake up to a noisy room.
I open my eyes and see that the others are already back.
"Good morning!"Luna loudly announced.
I immediately cringed upon hearing such loud noise in the morning.
"Luna,don't be noisy."Emily scolded Luna.
Claire just laughed at the scene unfolding in front of her.
I started silently chuckling at the two.
"So,Y/N how was yesterday?"Elise asked.
The attention of everyone in the room was suddenly diverted to me.
"Oh."I said,flabbergasted that within a second, all of the attention was passed onto me.
"It was...alright?"I said in a questioning tone.
"Why are you saying it like it's a question?"Faith asked.
"I don't know..."I trailed off.
Everybody looked at me weirdly.
"Ummm...alright."Elise stated.
I just stood up and went inside the bathroom to freshen up.
'I just need to stay here for 3 more days.'I thought.
I finished my morning routine and came out to eat breakfast the others brought.
I hear it again.
The voice.
I just dismissed the dis-embodied voice that resides inside my head.

*3 days later*
"Finally,I get to go home."I said with a sigh.
The 2 other people taking me home just remained silent.
We got into a taxi then went home.
When we got there,we paid the driver then got out of the car.
"Home sweet home."I gleefully said.
Elise just rolled her eyes when I ran inside.
"Despite him being very mature,he can be very childlike."Elise remarked to Faith.
"Yeah."Faith answered while laughing.
The two of them followed afterwards.
Only Faith and Elise came to pick me up because the others were busy.
As I got to my room,I saw my bed and immediately slumped down on it.
"Ugh."I groaned at the feeling of my very soft and fluffy bed.
"I missed this."I said to myself.
"Hey,Y/N."Elise called me as she popped up on the doorframe.
"Yes?"I asked.
"I just came to remind you that we have school tomorrow."She informed me.
'How amazing.'I thought in a sarcastic tone.
"Are you sure you're ready for what comes next?"She interrogated.
"No."I honestly answered.
"As expected."She said before bursting into  a fit of small chuckles.
"Look."She started.
"We'll be here for you,alright?"She assured me.
I looked up at her and changed into a sitting position.
"Yeah,and I thank you all for that."I thanked her and indirectly thanked the others.
"Hey,don't feel so gloomy."She said when she noticed the sudden change of mood in the room.
"I can't help it."I said,my voice breaking as I started to tear up.
I started to sob at the thought of him completely forgetting about me.
"Hey,Y/N."She said as she came closer to console me.
"It's alright."She said.
She rubbed my back as I kept crying and sobbing on her shoulder.
"How about we have a movie night? To get your mind off of this."She suggested.
I looked at her with puffy eyes.
"Sure,that would be nice."I agreed with tears flowing down my face.
"Remember,we're always here for you."She reminded me.
"I know,thanks."I thanked her again.
We left the room and invited the others to come to the living room for a movie night.
The others were curious about my puffy eyes but Elise explained to them about what occured.
They understood then we started preparing for it then waited a little bit for nightfall.
We spent some time together,watching a movie.

*The day before*
*Ni-ki's POV*
Today is the day.
My date with Hye Soo(the girl that confessed).
I can't help but feel guilty for the person I tried so hard to forget and move on from but I just can't.
It feels like I'm betraying them.
But this is a way of trying to move on,right?
I pushed my thoughts away and started picking what I'm going to wear.
After finding an outfit to wear,I headed out to where we planned on going.
When I got there,I saw her and she was wearing a cute baby blue dress.
"Hi."She greeted.
"Hey."I greeted back.
"Shall we?"I asked her.
"Yeah,sure."She said shyly.
We ordered what we wanted and ate when it got here.
"'s the food?"She tried to spark up a conversation.
"It's good."I replied.
"Are you enjoying the date?"I asked.
"Yeah."She said,slightly blushing.
"What are you interested in?"I asked.
"I like listening to music,watching movies and...reading."She said with the last one sounding cryptic.
"What genre do you like to read?"I asked.
Her facial expressions changed from nervous to tense.
"Ummm..."She tried to speak.
She came closer and gestured me to do the same so she can whisper something.
"I love reading boy's love."She whispered to me.
"Ohhhh,okay."I responded.
"I hope this doesn't change anything."She said with fear.
"Don't worry its fine with me."I assure her.
"Oh thank God."She said with a big exhale showing how stressed she was.
"Hye Soo,I don't think this will work."I told her.
"Is it because I like bl?"She asked.
"No."I replied.
"Well,I kind of thought that we won't work either." She said.
"It's because I love someone already but I haven't seen or heard from them in 3 years."I told her.
"Them? You're not sure if they are a he or a she?"She asked.
"Yeah."I responded.
"Oh my gosh! My bl heart."She dramatically said.
"Can we be friends instead?"I asked her.
"Sure."She replied.
Both of us started laughing.
After eating at that restaurant,both of us headed home.
"It's been fun tonight,Ni-ki hyung."She told me.
"Yeah."I responded with a chuckle.
"This is where we part ways for now."She said as a taxi arrived.
"Bye!"She said.
"Goodbye!"I replied.
After we bid our goodbyes to each other, I headed home.
When I got there,the other members were waiting for me while sitting on the couch.
All of them stood up and started interrogating me on how it went,except for two who stayed seated.
"Jay,Jungwon,aren't you guys gonna ask him how it went?"Sunghoon asked.
"No,we're good."Jay answered.
This behavior confused me.
They aren't usually like this.
'Are they hiding something?'I thought.
"Alright."Sunghoon replied.
"Come on love,let's head to bed, we still have school tomorrow."Jay told Jungwon.
The two of them left to prepare to go to sleep while we chatted for a bit longer about the date.
Eventually,all of us(except Jay and Jungwon) prepared to go to bed.
After that,we went to sleep.
'How do I get over you?'

It's me your ever so amazing author back at it again with another chapter.
Today,I tried to do a new writing style which takes in the form of writing in Ni-ki's point of view.
A lot of secrets will also be revealed next chapter so look out for that.
This is all I can think of to write on the author's note for now.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Thank you for reading!
Goodbye,I'll see you all on the next chapter!
Word count:1270 words

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