Chapter 14-Shy

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*M/N's POV*
Today felt weird.
I actually woke up in a very happy and productive mood instead of my usual sleepy mood.
Well it doesn't take much braincells to put two and two together on why I'm so happy.
I came downstairs to see Emily, the early bird, already getting to work in the kitchen.
"Oh, hey there M/N."She greeted when she noticed I was sitting on the barstool.
"Good morning."I greeted with a bashful smile.
"You seem like you woke up on the right side of the bed."She joked and we laughed heartily(ew I don't know why I hate the word "heartily" so much-Author).
"It seems someone did."I returned the joke.
We spent a few minutes giggling and chatting.
"So, do you mind telling me what got you so cheery in the morning?"A cheeky grin plastered on her soft motherly features.
I hummed then answered with a "sure".
"So, a certain someone knocked then came into my room yesterday." I began.
She giggled in a sweet yet calming tone that felt like whipped cream with strawberries on pancakes.
"Then he gave me some medicine after an emotional confrontation about the whole 3 year secret situation." I continued.
"Then we laughed, cried, chat, and hugged after letting our emotions run loose while talking."
"It was amazing."
"Such a bittersweet moment."I finished.
A soft yet small smile remained after I finished rambling and reminiscing the wonderful memory we made yesterday.
I felt a hand slide onto mine.
"I'm so happy for you M/N."Emily said.
"And I'm proud of you."
"For surviving and finally overcoming all of your struggles."
"And for finally resolving things with your lover."
"Your parents may not accept you and you may have a troubled past but never forget that we are here and we love you for who you are, alright?" After finishing her big speech, she gave me a big hug.
"A hug for your struggles."She whispered.
I just let all of my walls fall and break down as I wailed loudly into her tight embrace.
"Let it all out, I know you haven't for a long time." She said as she brushed my hair to provide comfort.
After four minutes of breaking down, I finally calmed down and helped her prepare breakfast after splashing my face with cold water to calm the puffy eyes that developed as the aftermath of my crying session.
The others soon came down one by one and started pouring into the kitchen to eat their first meal of the day.
Everyone went upstairs into their respective rooms afterwards to shower and prepare for school.
Our driver arrived at the dorm to come pick us up, which we didn't really need since the school is pretty close by but he had already came all the way here so we just let him, and we entered the car to start the journey.
"So, how has school been?"Ahjussi asked.
"It's been great ahjussi."All of us replied.
"That's nice to hear."Ahjussi replied.
"How's your grandson ahjussi?"

*Time skip*
We arrived at the school and we bid our goodbyes to our driver before he went back to the HYBE building.
We entered the hallways and quickly shuffled into class.
The bell then rang and class began.
After 4 hours of being inside the classroom, we were already starving(by Hailee Steinfeld) so we made our way to the cafeteria.
As we were walking, I suddenly felt a hand come into contact with my shoulder making me flinch.
I turned around and saw Ni-ki.
"Hey M/N."
"Oh hi."I replied.
"I was just wondering if you were free this weekend?" He asked with a sheepish smile.
"Yeah, I'm free, why, are you going to ask me out on a date?" I joked.
"Well, I actually was." He bluntly said in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Oh, then my answer would be yes."
I quickly turned around and caught up to the others who were more ahead of us.
'Another amazing day, what will happen next?'

It's me, your beloved author(not really) back at it again with another chapter.
Sorry for the long wait, I was procrastinating and wasn't really in the mood to type a chapter.
Anyways, big updates tomorrow(I'll update as much as I can)!
That is all.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Thank you for reading, I'll see you in the next chapter!
Word Count:757 words

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