Chapter 16- Reminisce

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*M/N's POV*
"So yeah, that was our story." I finished.
"Our story that we never finished."
"Left untouched for 3 years up until now."
"I'm sorry that I didn't remember your name or how you looked like." He apologized.
"I had kept all of our pictures in a separate phone that I left in Japan." He added.
"It's alright." I assured him.
"You don't have to worry about that anymore, you already have me." He sighed.
"Yeah, I'm gladly I finally found you." He breathed out.
We continued to lie on the grass and stare at the sky.
"How have you been?" He asked.
"Hmm?" I asked as I didn't hear it clearly.
"I asked, how have you been?" He repeated.
"Well, I've been okay. I went through a lot of rough patches but I'm fine." I answered.
"Way too many patches if you ask me." I mumbled.
"How about you?" I returned the question.
" has been great." He replied.
"Being able to debut in BE: LIFT's ENHYPEN was such an honor." He continued.
"And we got really busy."
"And everything's just been a thrilling ride."
"That's good." I smiled at him to which he responded with another smile showing his pearly whites.
"Thank you." He said, again.
"For what?" I just giggled.
"For remembering."
"And everything that comes with it." He said in a grateful but serious tone.
I looked at him in shock to the sudden seriousness that filled up the atmosphere.
His face was stained with tears still falling down.
"Ni-ki..." I said in a gentle tone.
"Heh, I'm sorry I'm getting a bit too emotional." He said, quickly wiping his tears away.
"No wait, it's completely fine just let it all out." I told him.
"Thank you. Again. For letting me relieve myself from all of the stress I've felt and for listening to what I had to say." He looked at me with a bashful face.
I took his hand and held it close to me.
"You know, you can tell me whenever you're having a problem." I stated.
"I'm just a call away."
"Yeah, I know." He replied.
"Don't let yourself get swallowed too much in your problems too much, 'kay?"
"Okay." He responded.
"It's getting dark. Shall we go?" I asked as it had already been a few hours.
"Yep, let's go." He said, then got up and held out his hand for me to grab and helped me up.
We packed up our items and threw away our garbage inside one of the trash can nearby.
While walking, he never took off his hand from mine and kept it tightly intertwined the whole time.
We got to the car and rode back back home.
Again, he still held my hand tightly and never let go.
We held each other's hands the entire way home.
'I'm glad that I agreed to the date.'

*Time Skip*
The next few weeks flew by so quickly that I didn't even notice.
Throughout the 2 months that passed, Riki and I have gone on 5 dates (including the one in the forest) and it has just been so amazing to me.
'I guess life really works out after all, huh?' I remarked in my head.
"Let's go on another date again soon." He suggested.
'Life really does work out.'

Hi! It's me,
We have returned to the present timeline and we have also skipped a bit of time aka fast forwarded 2 months.
That's all I think.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Thank you so much for reading!
I'll see you all in the next one, bye!
Word count: 604 words

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