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the link i realize i might not be doing it for all the people that want it and i am so sorry

i just forget and publish the story before i read it. if you notice that the author wants credit like a link or anything else and i did not give it to them please tell me so i can change it. 

Anyways on with the story:

The sun shone brightly over the square, which sat atop a hill that overlooked the sea. A giant statue stood brightly against the glare, creating a sharp-edged shadow under which stood tourists taking pictures or listening to guides.

Standing a little ways from the general bustle of the place stood a man and a woman looking up at the statue with serious expressions hidden behind dark sunglasses.

The bronze, gone a rusty green from age, depicted another man and woman, the former standing with a stoic expression beside the latter, who posed with one leg resting on a rock and whose hair was done in long braids that hung from her head. The artist had captured the braids mid movement, as if the woman had just turned her head to see some indeterminate object down the horizon.

The pair on the ground continued to examine the statue, solemn expressions on their faces until the man nudged the woman's shoulder, a smile creeping onto his face and the woman dissolved into a fit of laughter.

The road was a dusty one and there were few sounds save for the birds circling the high-noon sun and the crunch of gravel under Druig and Makkari's feet. Makkari bumped into Druig's shoulder to get his attention.

'How much longer?' , she signed, an impatient look on her face.

"The man said we should find a town before nightfall," he said, signing simultaneously. "Not so fun when you have to move at the same speed as the rest of us, is it?"


"But not false," he said, giving her a look that dared her to disagree.

Makkari rolled her eyes, but continued walking. Secretly, he was relieved. All too aware that she could, quite literally, leave him in the dust without breaking a sweat if she so desired, Druig was glad she was willing to walk with him instead.

When the sun began to lower in the sky, he began to hear a restless murmur from somewhere far ahead, accompanied by the clanging of metal. He met Makkari's eyes and saw the same question in them. Surely, she had felt a difference in vibrations across the ground. Soon enough he realized why.

Where the road reached a sharp turn and began sloping downward, there was a small rocky outcropping looking down onto a valley and the city that lay beyond it. In the valley, however, stood what appeared to be two small armies on opposing sides, pointing very sharp weapons at one another.

Makkari turned to him, clearly already knowing what he was thinking. 'We're not supposed to, Ajak said so. We don't know why they're fighting.'

Oh, how well she knew him.

"Very true, dear Makkari. So there's no harm in finding out and lending a hand if necessary then, is there?"

'This is a bad idea.'

"I suppose we'll see."

Makkari shook her head as they continued down into the valley and began approaching the armies. 'How do we start?'

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