Back to Dauntless- 62

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"What a game!" Christina says animatedly as you walk into the training room. "Did you see me?"

There are knives strewn across the tables, and Eric stands in the middle of the room, arms crossed, spine rigid. He looks tense. Is he okay?

"Tomorrow is the last day of stage one," he says grimly. "You will resume fighting then. Today, you'll be learning how to aim. Pick up three knives."

No one moves.

"Now!" he yells, the vein on his neck throbbing. 

You do as he says, the knives' familiar weight balancing in your hands. 

"He's in a bad mood today," Christina mutters to you and Tris.

"Is he ever in a good mood?" Tris says, rolling her eyes.

Four demonstrates, hurling the knives and hitting the board each time with a solid THWACK-THWACK-THWACK.

You see Tris trying to copy his technique, and focus hard. You try to copy it, but your knives keep missing. If they didn't spin so much, so long...

THWACK. Tris hits the target, and then Christina does. You can't see Peter, but you assume he's getting it by the snide remarks he's making to the initiates near him. 

Only you and Al haven't hit the target yet, and you struggle, taking a frustrated breath. Why can't you get this? You hurl another knife, throwing your back into it, and finally hit the target. 

Seconds afterwards, you see Eric going to Al. "How slow are you, Candor?" he spits. "Do you need glasses? Should I move the target closer to you?"

Al's face turns red. He throws another knife. He misses. You throw a knife that- thankfully- sticks. 

"It slipped," Al says, biting his lip and staring down at the ground.

"Did I tell you to stop throwing?" Eric snaps at the other initiates. I'm glad I didn't stop, you think uneasily. He turns back to Al. "Well? Go get it."

"Go get it?" Al's eyes are wide, terrified. "But everyone's still throwing."

"Are you afraid?" Eric taunts, leaning forward, eyes almost rabid.

"Of getting hit with a knife?" Al says incredulously. "Yes! Yes, I am!"

Eric nods, a thin smile on his face. "Everybody out," he says. "Clear out the ring."

He whispers something to Four, and Four tenses.

"Is this really necessary?" he says back, eyes flicking over to Al. 

Eric doesn't answer him, turning back to Al. "You're going to stand there as he throws those knives," the Dauntless leader says, gesturing to the target, "until you learn not to flinch."

"Stop it!" Tris yells, running in front of Al. "Any idiot can stand in front of a target. It doesn't prove anything except that you're bullying us, which is a sign of cowardice."

"Then it should be easy for you to take his place," Eric says smoothly, raising an eyebrow. 

She walks over, ponytail swinging behind her.

"There goes your pretty face," Peter sneers. "Oh, wait. You don't have one."

Four throws the knives.

One. Tris shivers.

Two. Tris holds his gaze.

Three. Tris looks like she's drowning. One more.

Four. There is blood on Tris's ear.

"I would love to see if the rest of you are as daring as she is," Eric says, spinning a knife on his fingers, "but I think that's enough for today."

He squeezes Tris's shoulder. "I should keep an eye on you," he says lightly, striding away and out the door.

"That was weird," Christina remarks, shuddering and wrapping both arms around herself. You both walk out of the training room, ignoring Peter and his crew beside you.


The next morning, you hear shouts and taunts coming from the dormitory after your morning shower. 

Wrapping yourself in a towel, you dart out and see Tris sprinting past you to the bathroom, completely naked. 

That's weird, you think, peering past the hallway corner and walking over to your bed. You grab your Dauntless outfit, looking both ways for Peter and his crew. Suddenly, your towel is whipped away from you, cold air rushing over your skin. You slam your clothes to your body to cover yourself, and come face to face with Molly.

"What the heck?" you spit, frozen, as she holds your towel, laughing menacingly. 

"Look at-" Molly starts, then yelps, toppling to the ground. Someone grabs the soft towel and whips it around you.

You turn to see Peter behind you, tying the towel so it'll stay. He flushes bright red and shakes his head, still working at the knot. You can feel the firm pressure of his hands against your back. "Should've stayed in the bathroom, Amity."

You try to say something, but you can't get any words out. 

He finishes the knot and glances at you, reddening. "This means nothing."

He grabs Molly's limp body and stalks off into the Dauntless compound.

Advance to 63.

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