I Never Liked Her Anyway- 109

121 2 0

Peter tenses up as you burst into the hall, bracing himself to fight. Drew drops his grip on Tris and starts over to you.

"Relax, lunk," you say, shrugging and raising an eyebrow. "I'm here to help. She's selfish and rude, and she'll knock us all out of the rankings."

Peter squints at you, then nods, hefting Tris over his shoulder, he heaves a sigh. "Let's get this over with. Come on!"

You, Drew, and Al run together, jogging noiselessly towards the crash of water that signifies...

The chasm. The blood in your body runs cold, but it's too late to back out now, and you're in this to win it, right? You have to stay in the rankings.

"Lift her up! Come on," Peter says, brow furrowed in concentration.

You all grab Tris, heaving her over the chasm, over the rocks, over the railing-

Drew's doing something, but you can't hear over the blood rushing in your ears-

Tris rips away, biting and clawing and screaming, until Peter kicks her, wrapping his hand around her throat and lifting her up, over the chasm-

Her armpits slam into the railing, and then there's a shout, and Four is here, whipping around us and driving his elbow into-

BAM. A sharp, jagged pain pierces through your head. Then you feel nothing.


You wake up in the infirmary, head throbbing. 

"It's time to get back to training," Four spits at you, walking out of the room. "Get ready."

1+ Peter

-2 Tris

-2 Four

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