3. goodie bag

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oh what they think about you, prepare to leave my body when the time it comes through               

loving on you till the time it comes through


The whole school was abuzz with gossip about the Triwizard tournament, an apparently very exciting event that would be happening throughout the year. Imogen was already sick of hearing about it. Thanks to Harry Potter's involvement, Draco Malfoy was back to giving his sermons in the common room to the younger students about Harry's idiocy, or arrogance, or whatever. Whichever it was today, Imogen hadn't felt like working in the common room, and so had come to the library.

The library had always been a bit of a haven for Imogen. The peace and quiet and the endless supply of yellowing pages full of knowledge were a welcome change from the business of the rest of the school, and if you buried your nose deep enough into a book, and wore a serious look on your face, no one tended to bother you. Not that there were normally many people in the library; around exam times or big essays there'd be an influx of panicking students, but normally you could sit with a good few tables between you and the nearest person.

Mo still being annoyed at her after the party had one benefit - Imogen could work on her St Mungo's application in peace, spurred on by proving Victor's idiotic friends wrong. Mo had had a go at Imogen earlier that morning for abandoning her at the party, but Imogen had had a go back at Mo for not defending her, which was when Mo said that she too thought that the healer thing was a bit stupid. After telling Imogen she was way too smart for healing, she'd stormed off to meet Victor again, and Imogen had been left with more doubt to motivate her in proving them wrong.

She was cross with Mo, but she still felt bad for leaving her there. After all, she'd been there as Mo's friend, not to win Lucy and Claudia's approval, but she didn't regret what she did. Strangely, she'd sort of ended up having a good night, if an odd one. It would probably be one she'd never repeat. But it had been good.

She tried to keep her mind focused on the medicinal potions book she had opened, rather than her strange night, but someone walking into the library suddenly made that quite impossible. One of the Weasley twins had swaggered in, hands in his pockets nonchalantly. Imogen watched discreetly, trying to guess which table he was going to slip onto, when it occurred to her that he actually looked as if he was coming towards her.

When he pulled back a chair and sat down opposite her, her suspicion was confirmed. "Alright, Falker?"

She regarded him with the expected suspicion. "Which one are you?"

He grinned. "George, of course."

Imogen nodded, as if the name made any difference to her. "You're not here to study, are you?"

George looked around the large library hall as if discovering it for for the first time. "Obviously not. I'm far too busy for that."

Imogen rolled her eyes. "Busy doing what? You do know we're doing NEWTs now George-"

"Alright, alright Hermione-"

"Hermione?" Imogen asked, confused.

George let out a laugh that left Imogen with a smile that was mostly born of pure confusion, and then pressed on. "Never mind, that's not important... I wanted to talk to you about something actually."

"Oh? Really?" she tried to decipher the look on his face. "Spit it out, then."

He hesitated a moment. "Well, you seemed to enjoy the festivities the other night-"

"The festivities?" Imogen let out a snort of laughter. "Is that what you're calling it?"

George raised his eyebrows. "When I'm in the library, surrounded by listening ears, yes."

1: Trouble - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now