9. valerie

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cause since i've come on home, well my body's been a mess

and i've missed your ginger hair and the way you like to dress

won't you come on over, stop making a fool out of me


Imogen had been glad to return to the dim interior of Snape's office the following morning. He looked up from the parchment he was scratching at as she landed, her boots making a loud noise on the stone flooring.

"Welcome back, Miss Falker."

"Morning, Professor." she replied. She looked around the room, feeling a little awkward. "Uh, thank you for letting me use your office."

Snape's face remained impassive. "You're very welcome. Unless we have anything else to discuss, you may return to your common room."

Imogen said goodbye and hurried out of the room, making her way through the bracket-lit dungeons to Slytherin house. As she entered the common room, Blaise Zabini said hello.

"Hi Blaise," Imogen said. Her eyes flitted to Draco, who was sat next to him.

Blaise narrowed his beautiful dark eyes, bearing his teeth in a playful smile. "Going somewhere?"

Imogen looked down at her bag. "Oh! No, no, I just got back. From home."

Her cheeks flushed slightly at the admission, and Blaise laughed. "Don't tell my mother. If she finds out that's a possibility I'll never get another weekend at Hogwarts."

"Well if I ever want some peace in the common room, I know what to do," Imogen moved to walk away from them.

"It would be a bit less pretty without me around though, Falker," he said, his eyes playful, "it surely was this weekend, without you."

The two younger boys grinned, and Imogen rolled her eyes. "Behave yourself, Blaise."

She went straight upstairs after that. There was a time that the flirtations of younger boys would have been a welcome ego boost, but Imogen found that it tended to just be annoying nowadays. Especially after hearing her father's opinion on Draco. On her way into her dorm, she bumped into Mo.

"Oh, you're back," Mo said, with a little smile. "I was just heading downstairs."

Imogen walked past her and dumped her bag on her bed. "Why?"

Mo raised her eyebrows. "To, you know, socialise. It's this weird thing normal people do sometimes."

Imogen flopped back on her bed and closed her eyes. Her break home had annoyingly left her needing a break; she felt like she could have gone straight back to sleep. "It sounds awful."

Mo scoffed. "What, you're really not going to come with me? I haven't seen you for a whole day."

Imogen couldn't even open her eyes. "Come and sit with me for a bit then."

Imogen heard Mo huff in annoyance, but despite this she made her way over to Imogen's bed and threw her bag on the floor, flopping down next to her. Imogen wriggled closer to her, wrapping an arm lazily around her middle. She smelled of her rose shampoo.

1: Trouble - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now