9.See you

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I remember I said I wouldn't be gone for more than a month and I am sorry that I was gone for more than the amount of time I had told I would be gone for. Well, I re-read the last chapter and found many spelling mistakes and errors. I am really sorry for that. Anyways, I hope everyone's doing fine. And I am really sorry. And (***) means pov change.



Wilbur stood there dazed, he had never thought to ever see the always smiling Dream cry so helplessly in front of him. Thoughts ran through his head all saying the same thing-"it's my fault!". He tried to run after Dream but he was already gone. Why did he let go of Dream again?, He kept asking himself. Was it really just for George or was there something else he wanted from Dream?


The bell rang and everyone hurried to their classes. Wilbur, also, went to his class where he thought he could talk to Dream. He went inside to see a familiar face but not the one he was looking for. He went and approached the pinkette, " Hey! Techno, have you seen Dream?". " Oh, Will! What do you mean 'have you seen Dream', wasn't he with you? I haven't seen him since lunch, I was going to ask you that as well," Techno replied, curiosity clear in his eyes.    

"Well, he was with me but, uh.., umm... He left and, er, yeah" Wilbur was a bit hesitant to tell Techno, what had exactly happened as he had noticed that the pinkette had gotten attached to Dream. He didn't want to make the other upset so he tried changing the subject.


Nick was running late for his class, you might be wondering how, well, he just  thought dropping George to his class which I might as well add was in the other side of the building. While George questioned "Is this really necessary?", well Nick only reasoned George saying that," Dude, you just broke up with Dream not too long ago. What if someone tries to hit on you? And as you brother figure I have to protect you!" To which George replied with a 'I am older that you' and soon Nick left him. 

Now back to the present where Nick was running towards his English class, the English teacher  didn't like him much but he didn't dislike him as well so the only thing he could hope for right now was to reach the classroom before the second bell could ring. He wouldn't risk going to the devi-Ahem I mean the principal's office, everyone in the campus called him a devil cause he was very strict and wound not think for a second to rusticate any student so everyone tried to stay on his good side, well except for a single student, the principal's granddaughter. 

Nick was running through the corridor when he took a turn at the left and bumped into someone, he fell to the ground on his bottom from the force. He looked up to see a boy with brown hair and eyes looking down at him. Seeing him, Nick couldn't help but blush. He was wearing a rainbow hoodie with black pants.

Nick didn't realize that he was staring at the person until the said person starting apologizing. He reached his hand to help Nick up, seeing this Nick came back to reality. The rainbow hoodie boy said," I am really sorry for bumping into you. I am running late for class so I got to go. Again, I am really sorry." and left.

Nick tries to call him but he had already left. Riinnngggg~  Hearing the second bell ring the only thought on Nick's mind was 'shit! I am dead!'. Now, he was running at full speed to get to his class in hopes that he won't be punished.

After hearing the sound of the bell, Dream had five minutes to collect himself. Which he did in record time, he put the blade back in his pocket, washed his face and right when he went to get out of the bathroom, his foot slipped and he fell on the ground.

He groaned as he rose from the ground, dusting himself he saw that he had gotten a cut on his left hand from falling against the sink. He looked at the mirror one last time to check if he looked alright.

His blonde hair was a mess but it looked alright, his cheeks had tear strains but he could cover that up with his white mask. His lime hoodie had a few tear strains but overall he looked fine. Enough to just lie that he fell in the bathroom.

He hurried to get to the nurse's office. Once he reached there the nurse immediately bandaged his hand and he was good to go. He started sprinting after hearing the second bell ring. He ran as fast as he could ignoring the rules that said not to run in the school grounds.

He took a left turn and bumped into something more like someone. He looked up and saw that he had bumped into Nick. He grabbed Nick's wrist with his right hand and sprinted to their classroom.


i know not a lot happened in this chapter and this is just a filler for the future chapters. and i have my exams again. so, i wont be updating for a while... again. really sorry for that but i can't ignore my studies so see you all in the next chapter which might come out in a month i guess if my exams go well. bye, see yaand have a good day/night. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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