Chapter 54: The hospital

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Chimchar woke in his house. He was ready to start searching for the dimension.
So he quickly ate and walked over to Oshawott and Zorua's house.
Only to find police tape around it and Pokémon investigating.
"W-What's going o-on?" Chimchar asks a police Pokémon.
"Oh, this house had someone break in and start attacking the owners." They reply calmly.
Chimchar was stunned. Someone tried to kill Oshawott and Zorua? But why?

"Are t-they okay?" Chimchar asks, scared for their friends.
"Yes, they are fine. They are healing in the hospital now." The police Pokémon says.
Chimchar immediately starts running to the hospital.
But, they quickly run through town square and see Lucario waiting for them.
"What took you so long? Also where's the others?" Lucario asks, just to have Chimchar grab thier hand and continue running.
"Judging by your actions, it's probably urgent." Lucario says, running with Chimchar.

They arrived at the hospital soon enough. Chimchar goes up to the receptionist.
"W-was there a Z-Zorua and Oshawott a-admitted here?" Chimchar asks.
"Oh yes, they're in urgent care. Why do you want to see them?" The receptionist responds.
"They're friends of ours." Lucario says.
"Okay. They're in room sixteen and seventeen." The receptionist says, giving them a wave as they run into the hospital.
They find room sixteen and walk inside to see Oshawott laying in a bed.

"Oh, hi guys!" Oshawott says, happy as ever.
They start to wave but quickly winces in pain and stops.
"Thank goodness you're okay." Lucario says.
A Luxray walks into the room and quickly notices Chimchar and Lucario.
"Who are you two!?" They ask.
"Don't worry," Oshawott replies before Chimchar could, "they're my friends."

"Okay good." The Luxray says, walking over to Oshawott.
"Are t-they gonna be o-okay?" Chimchar asks the doctor.
"Yes, they will be fine, another day in the hospital is all they're gonna need." The Luxray replies.
"What happened to them?" Lucario asks.
"They were put under a really bad curse, like I said though they're fine." The Luxray says.
Lucario looks to Chimchar, relived that their friend was okay.

"Thank you!" Lucario says while walking out of the room.
"C-cya Oshawott!" Chimchar says, following Lucario.
They walk out and immediately go to room seventeen to check on, assumed, Zorua.
They push open the door, just to see two Pokémon in the room.
Lucario cleared his throat, hopefully not startling the doctors.
The two Pokémon turn around, and look at them.

"Hi, is it a bad time?" Lucario asks.
One of the Pokémon starts to whisper to the other but, the other one immediately tries to attack Lucario.
Lucario quickly dodges the attack. "I don't think they are doctors!" Lucario says as the other Pokémon attacks them as well.
Chimchar quickly runs out of the room and runs to the nearest Pokémon they could find, which was the Luxray doctor.
"H-help." Chimchar quickly says and motions the Luxray to follow them.
They both run into room seventeen to see Lucario still dodging their attacks.

"About time!" Lucario jokingly says, throwing a clipboard he found to block a shadow ball.
The two Pokémon suddenly realize they're outmatched and teleport out.
"What the heck just happened!?" The Luxray asks, checking to see if Zorua was okay.
Chimchar just then noticed Zorua's condition. They were covered in bandages with only one half of their face not bandaged.
"I think those two Pokémon were trying to kill Zorua." Lucario explains.
"Thank goodness you stopped them, they only put Zorua to sleep. God knows what would've happened if you didn't find them." The Luxray says.

Chimchar got worried that something was happening to Oshawott and ran over to their room.
Oshawott was still laying in his bed and okay. "What's going on?" They ask.
"N-nothing." Chimchar tells him. Oshawott didn't believe them.
"Well it's clearly something but, I'm guessing it's none of my business." Oshawott says.
Chicmchar just nods and walks back over to room seventeen.
"Why'd you leave?" Lucario asks.
"Just g-got worried t-that s-something was h-happening to Oshawott." Chimchar replies.

Just then they heard a groan and they turned over to Zorua, who was waking up.
"What just happened?" They ask, looking around and noticing Lucario and Chimchar.
"Oh, hello friends!" Zorua says. "What h-happened to you?" Chimchar asks.
"Well," the Luxray starts, "they were attacked by that same Pokémon that cursed your other friend."
"Are you okay?" Lucario asks. "Well, yeah. Although they found out I'm not getting my left eye back. Got scratched up pretty bad." Zorua explains.
"Yes, and they're gonna need to stay in the hospital for a week or so." The Luxray says. "Now we need to check for infections, so I need you two to leave."
"Okay, make sure someone guards them though, I don't want those Pokémon to show up again." Lucario says.

They both leave the hospital and stop outside it. "So, now what?" Lucario asks.
"Well, w-we should t-try and find the w-world and then wait f-for them to heal." Chimchar replies.
"Well, okay then! Lets go!" Lucario says, running to the forest again. Chimchar follows them.

(A while later)

"Okay, next world." Lucario says and whispers a word into his paw and throws it.
Another portal opens up and they walk inside.
Immediately when they entered, they felt the legendary feeling.
"Holy crap we got it!" Lucario proclaims.
They look around in celebration to find themselves next to a village.
"This p-place is pretty c-cool!" Chimchar says, walking around in the field they were brought to.

They suddenly hear something above them and then a Zapdos lands in front of them.
"Hello world travelers. We have heard of your presence by Arceus!" Zapdos says.
"Dangit, wrong legendary." Lucario says, turning around to walk back into the portal.
But, when they tried to do that, the portal magically closes.
"What?" Lucario says stunned.
"Not so fast, because us legendary birds need your help." Zapdos says.
Suddenly a Moltres and an Articuno land beside Zapdos.

"B-but we need to f-find Palkia a-and Dialga!" Chimchar says.
"We have heard!" Moltres says. "We will tell you where they are if you help us!" Articuno says.
"Okay, fine. I'm also guessing that we can't leave without helping?" Lucario questions.
"Thank you for helping us!" Zapdos says, dodging the question. "There is evil on this planet, and it has become more powerful than us!"
"I-if they have b-become more powerful t-than you all, t-then why do you think w-we can h-help?" Chimchar asks.
"Because you have taken down Kyurem!" Moltres says.
"But that was with eight of us!" Lucario explains.

"That is true," Articuno says, "but you have become more powerful!"
"O-okay, so what d-do you need us t-to do?" Chimchar asks.
"We need you to collect friends here, climb mount Tepinkenish, then we will tell you what to do." Zapdos says.
Before anyone could argue that, they fly away leaving Chimchar and Lucario alone.
"Really!?" Lucario yells. "Can't we just fight it now!?"
Chcimchar couldn't argue with that and just stood there silently.
Lucario tries to open another portal but it doesn't work.

"So we're trapped here, split up from our friends and have to fight this 'great evil' somewhere." Lucario says.
Chimchar just nodded sadly and sat down next to Lucario. Lucario sat down too.
They were tired and decided to fall asleep, it was night here after all.
So they lay down and went to sleep, preparing for the adventure that lay ahead.

* * *
Hello everyone!
I know, '3 story updates in a week? You're crazy!'
First of all, yes. I am crazy.
Second of all, these were all written on the same day, just posted later than written.
Third of all, don't ask how I don't write for 3 weeks and then write 3 chapters in a day.
I guess I woke up and chose to un-writers block.
Well, cya! I _ < <3

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