Chapter 56: Another Escape

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Piplup kept running through the gray halls, following the group.
'We've been running for so long! Where the heck is the exit?" Pikachu says.
"It's gotta be around here somewhere!" Tepig yells, leading the group through another hall.
Another group of guards are blocking the path, they ready their guns and fire.
Everyone ducks and charges at their legs, causing the guards to fall.

"Anyone hurt?" Rowlet asks, flying over everyone.
"I don't think so, luckily." Pikachu says.
Just then another gunshot rings through the hall as Rowlet yelps in pain and starts falling.
Piplup quickly jumps and catches Rowlet on his back.
Rowlet holds onto Piplup as they turn another corner.

"Where did they get you?" Piplup asks Rowlet.
"Right in the wing." Rowlet says.
Rowlet starts using his other wing to try and cover his wound.
Piplup notices Pikachu had started to shake in fear.
They come to a split path, a hall to the left and one to the right.

"Finally someplace new!" Tepig yells.
"But which way do we go?" Piplup says.
Everyone thinks for a second.
"They're right there shoot them!" A guard yells from the hall they came from.
"Run!" Rowlet yells, causing Piplup to run to the left corridor.

They hear the guards groan in frustration as they run away.
"Why couldn't you just kill them?" A guard says.
Piplup haphazardly rounds a corner and keeps running.
"How big is this place!?" Piplup yells, turning to Tepig.
Well, where Tepig would've been.

"Tepig? Pikachu?" Piplup looks around in disbelief.
"They must've ran down the other hall." Rowlet says.
Piplup sighs as he notices a door that seems to be unlocked.
He quickly runs in and shuts the door behind him.
"Thank goodness, I was about to collapse from running so much." Piplup whispers.

Rowlet hops off his back and looks around the room they're in.
The walls were a nice light gray and the floor was green, and surprisingly, carpeted.
There was a beige desk in the middle of the room and filing cabinets against the walls.
"Is this some sort of office?" Rowlet whispers.
"Maybe." Piplup responds as the sound of footsteps start approaching.

"They might've gone in here. You guys keep checking the halls, I'll check in here." A guard says.
Piplup starts to panic as Rowlet quickly opens a drawer on the desk.
"Get in, now!" Rowlet whispers as they both get in a drawer and close it.
They sit in silence as the guard bursts into the room.
After what feels like hours of waiting for the guard to leave, they leave.

They both sigh in relief as they get out the drawer.
Piplup looks around while mainly thinking of what to do next.
"Is there anything around here than can patch up this wound." Rowlet thinks aloud.
Piplup jumps onto the desk and looks at the papers on it.
"There's a map here!" Piplup says, picking up a paper with writing on it.

"That's convenient." Rowlet says, still looking for something to cover his injury.
Piplup starts reading the random text on the map.
'Why did they make this place a maze??'
'No fire exit! Guess we'll just die!'
'I swear if there's another meeting I'm gonna-'

Piplup decides to stop reading and focus more on finding the exit.
Rowlet starts opening the file cabinets and looking through them.
"You know bandages probably won't be in there?" Piplup says.
Rowlet doesn't respond as Piplup goes back to looking at the map.
'Wonder where Pikachu and Tepig are.' Piplup thinks.

—== Somewhere Else in the Facility ==—

"Where the heck even are we?" Tepig yells, turning another corner.
Pikachu doesn't respond as they keep running through the halls.
He looks around to try and find somewhere they can hide.
Just then, Pikachu got a great idea.
"Tepig, follow me!" Pikachu says, dashing into a door, breaking it.

It reveals another hallway that looks more destroyed than the others.
"I was expecting a room of some sort but this works." Pikachu says, running into one of the open doors.
Tepig follows close behind as Pikachu looks around the new room they're in.
There's ceiling tiles missing and broken tables scattered around the room.
"Seems to be a run down cafeteria." Tepig comments as they walk around.

Pikachu spots a broken picture frame on the floor and walks over to it.
"Tepig come see this!" Pikachu yells.
"They," Tepig pauses, "hung up a picture of a map?"
"Well, whatever design they were going for doesn't matter! It's a map of this place!" Pikachu responds
"Well, let's try to find the exit." Tepig says.

Pikachu suddenly remembers something he wanted to ask Tepig.
"Have you seen Piplup or Rowlet?" Pikachu asks.
"Yeah, they ran down the other hallway." Tepig responds.
"Why didn't you tell me this? Or follow them?" Pikachu says.
"What was I gonna do? I already started running in the other direction!" Tepig says.

Pikachu stops to chill out and looks back at the map.
"And also, I didn't think it was important to say." Tepig says, calmly.
They both continue to look at the map.
"There's the exit." Tepig says, pointing to a place on the map.
"It also says we're right here." Pikachu points to another place on the map.

"So all we gotta do is memorize where to go?" Tepig asks.
"Yep." Pikachu responds looking back and forth from the exit and the cafeteria.
They both slowly memorize the route and prepare to leave.
"Okay. Left, left, right, left, straight, right, left." Tepig says.
"I really hope Rowlet and Piplup find a way out." Pikachu says, running into the hall, Tepig close behind.

—== Back with Piplup and Rowlet ==—

"You ready to go?" Piplup asks Rowlet.
"Yeah, let's escape!" Rowlet says, hopping on Piplup's back again.
Piplup quickly glances at the map one last time as he opens the door and starts running.
"Okay, right." Rowlet says, remembering what the route was.
Piplup turns right and almost runs into a plant.

"Left." Rowlet says and Piplup turns left.
'Wonder why they made this place so big and so, labyrinth like.' Piplup thinks.
"Left." Rowlet says and Piplup follows his directions.
After tons of lefts and rights, Piplup starts to get worried.
"Did we take a wrong turn?" Piplup asks.

"I don't think so but, we still have some turns left it's fine." Rowlet responds.
Piplup hopes he's right as they turn another corner.
"Oh hey guys!" A familiar voice says behind them.
Rowlet turns around to see Pikachu and Tepig running behind them.
"Hey!" Rowlet says not paying attention to where they were going.

"Which way Rowlet!" Piplup yells.
"Left!" Rowlet says in a panic.
"It's actually right!" Pikachu yells causing Piplup to slip up and fall over.
Tepig and Pikachu quickly catch up to them.
"You okay?" Tepig asks Piplup.

"I'm fine. Are you Rowlet?" Piplup says while getting back up.
"Yeah." Rowlet responds, hopping onto Piplup's back again.
But just then, a voice suddenly interrupts them.
"Sorry to scare you guys but I need your help!" The voice says.
They look around but nobody's there.

"Sorry again but it's Kyurem! Your friends are in trouble!" The voice says.
"What happened!" Piplup asks.
"It's kinda complicated but there's no time for explaining! I just need two of you to go into here," The voice pauses.
A portal suddenly opens in front of them.
"And two of you to go in here!" Another portal opens as they say that.

"But what about this facility?" Pikachu asks.
"You can learn about it later just please go through one of them fast! Arceus doesn't know I'm doing this, and they're gonna kill me if they find out!" Kyurem says.
"Okay." Rowlet says.
"Guess we're splitting again." Tepig says.
"Guess so." Piplup says.

"Well, you two can go into the left portal, Tepig and I will go into the right." Pikachu says.
"You got it." Rowlet says.
Tepig and Pikachu walk to the right portal.
"Stay safe you two." Piplup says.
"We will, you too okay?" Pikachu says, and they walk into the portal.

Piplup and Rowlet stand there for a second.
"Cmon let's go." Rowlet says.
Piplup walks over to the left portal and looks around.
"Guess the mysteries of this place will stay unknown for now." Piplup says.
"Yeah." Rowlet says as Piplup walks into the portal.

* * *
Hope you're enjoying the story so far! Although it takes 27 years to update.
Sorry about that.
Okay well, Cya! I _ < <3

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