Chapter 57: Split Dimensions (pt2)

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Tepig and Pikachu step into the portal and find themselves in front of a building.
"Where are we?" Pikachu asks.
"Think I know?" Tepig responds, looking around.
"Oh, I think I actually do." Tepig says.
Pikachu had already found out where they were.

"Why are we back on the Pokémon world?" Tepig asks.
"Didn't Kyurem say that we needed to help our friends?" Pikachu says.
"Yes but, where are they? Also, why did we need to split up for that?" Tepig questions.
Pikachu shrugs and looks at the building they were teleported to.
"This looks like a hospital." Tepig comments.

"Should we go in?" Pikachu asks Tepig.
"Sure." He responds and they walk to the door.
"Oh," Pikachu says, "It's locked."
"Why would a hospital have closing hours?" Tepig says.
Pikachu was about to respond but a voice interrupts him.

"What are you two doing?" A Luxray asks.
"Uhhh, nothing?" Pikachu says.
"We're trying to get into the hospital." Tepig says.
"Why?" The Luxray asks.
Pikachu turns to Tepig, not sure why they want into the hospital.

"We're trying to find a group of Pokémon." Tepig says calmly.
"Who?" The Luxray asks.
"A Oshawott, A Zorua-" Pikachu says.
"Oh, those two? I can show you to their rooms." The Luxray interrupts him.
She walks up to the door and stops.

"For safety reasons, I'll only take one of you at a time." Luxray says.
"Is that why the door is locked as well?" Tepig asks.
"Yes, sadly some Pokémon tried attacking those two." She answers.
'Why would someone try to kill them?' Pikachu thinks.
The Luxray stands there, with the door unlocked.

"Hey, your friend says your seeing them first." She says to Pikachu.
"Oh, sorry." He responds and walks in with Luxray.
Pikachu looks around the hospital's first room.
Nobody is working at the front desk and there's nobody waiting.
Luxray notices Pikachu looking around.

"We're lucky, hospital visits are getting rarer and rarer." She starts.
"Unluckily, that means the manager can lay off more people and make the last workers here kinda run two jobs."
"Oh, that sucks." Pikachu says.
They get to room sixteen and open the door.
Oshawott is laying in his bed, asleep.

"Someone really did attack them." Pikachu whispers.
"Did you think I was lying?" Luxray responds.
"No, it's just kinda surprising" Pikachu says.
Oshawott shifts and wakes up.
"Huh?" He says, slowly turning towards the two.

"Oh, Pikachu. What's up." Oshawott says.
"Wait. How are you even here?" He says.
"It's a long story." Pikachu says.
Suddenly someone opens the door and says Luxray's name.
"What?" She asks, turning around.

After a couple seconds of talking she turns to Pikachu.
"Well, apparently your friend's are ready to leave." She says, angrily.
"Although they should stay here for a lot longer." She whispers under her breath.
Pikachu gets pushed out of the room and told to leave.
Tepig greets him as he walks out.

"Dang, kicked out already? What did you do?" He says jokingly.
"I wasn't kicked out exactly, but was forced out. Apparently Oshawott and Zorua are getting out." Pikachu responds.
"That's good." Tepig says.
They wait for them to get out of the hospital.
Luxray opens the door and Oshawott walks out.

"Tepig! You're here too?" He says.
"Where's Zorua?" Pikachu asks.
"Just give them a sec, they shouldn't leave this early, especially with their injures." Luxray says.
"Then why are they leaving?" Tepig says.
"Manager says it costed too much to keep them, apparently." She responds.

Pikachu was speechless and Tepig seemed livid.
"This is a hospital! Aren't they supposed to help people!" He yells.
"It is stupid but, orders are orders." Luxray says.
Oshawott pats Tepig's back and he calms down a bit.
Zorua finally walks out, and Pikachu is stunned.

Practically half of Zorua's body was covered in bandages.
Zorua walks out, like nothing's wrong.
"What happened to you!?" Tepig says.
"It's kinda a long story." She says.
"I mean, we don't have a time limit here so, shoot." Pikachu says.

Zorua explains what happened, with Oshawott occasionally adding stuff.
"And then they left and we've been in there since." Zorua says.
"So you were almost killed twice?" Tepig asks.
"Yep." Zorua responds.
Pikachu quickly realizes something.

"Well when we were-" Pikachu says before getting interrupted.
Someone teleports in front of them.
"Uh, hello?" Pikachu says.
They can't tell what Pokémon it is. A dark mist surrounds the mystery Pokémon.
"Hand over the Oshawott and Zorua." They say.

"No thanks, we're good." Tepig says.
Zorua walks back a step and the mystery Pokémon lunges at her.
Pikachu uses Thunder but the mystery Pokémon isn't affected by it.
Tepig shoves Zorua out of the way and uses Gyro ball.
The mystery Pokémon grunts in pain but lunges again.

Zoura dodges them but the mystery Pokémon suddenly changes directions mid air.
Pikachu realizes that they're going for Oshawott now and uses Light Screen in front of him.
The mystery Pokémon stops, and Zorua uses Assurance on them.
Pikachu quickly uses Thunder on them as well.
The mystery Pokémon seems to faint and then disappears.

Everyone is stunned and is silent.
"How in the world?" Tepig says after a couple seconds.
"Were they just a shadow or something?" Oshawott says.
Nobody responds, they didn't know how someone could dissapear.
Luxray walks back out of the hospital.

"I heard fighting, is everything okay?" She asks.
"Uh, can we stay in the hospital for the night?" Oshawott asks.
Luxray thinks for a second.
"Sure, but you will have to stay in the waiting room." She says.
Everyone walks in and sits down.

"Well, I gotta get back to my job, cya." Luxray says and everyone waves goodbye.
"So, what was that?" Pikachu asks.
"Think anyone knows?" Tepig says.
"No, I was just wondering if we have any other ideas." Pikachu responds.
Pikachu suddenly remembers something.

"Before that weird shadow attacked us, I was gonna tell you two something" He says, gesturing towards Zorua and Oshawott.
"Well, before we got here, Kyurem told me, Tepig, Rowlet, and Piplup to split up and go into two portals." He continues.
"I was thinking about that, and once I saw only you two here, I figured out that-" Pikachu says.
"That must mean Chimchar and Lucario kept trying to find the correct world." Zorua interrupts.
"What?" Pikachu asks.

"All four of us were trying to find the world Eevee is on." Oshawott explains.
"Well, if they are then, why haven't they come back?" Zorua asks.
"You don't think the shadow Pokémon kidnapped them?" Tepig says.
Everyone stops for a second.
"They must've." Oshawott says, grimly.

* * *
Hey guys!
Christmas and new years got me kinda busy and stuff but, now I'm back and writing
Stuff coming soon!
Cya! I _ < <3

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