Chapter 57: Split Dimensions (pt1)

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Piplup and Rowlet step through the portal just to be greeted by a free fall.
Piplup panics but quickly hits the ground, only falling for a second.
"Oww" Piplup says, lying in the grass field they appeared in.
"What was that noise?" A familiar voice asks.
Rowlet gasps in surprise as Lucario runs over to them

"You okay?" They say, helping Piplup up.
"Yeah." Piplup responds, walking over to Rowlet.
Rowlet gets on Piplup's back as Chimchar gets up.
"Wh-What's going on?" They ask, suddenly noticing Rowlet's wound.
"Don't worry it's fine." Rowlet says, knowing Chimchar saw the bullet hole.

Chimchar still runs over to them and tries to help Rowlet.
"Where are we?" Piplup says, looking around.
"Your guess is as good as mine." Lucario responds.
Piplup notices a little village not far from them.
"Well there is Civilization at least." Piplup says.

Lucario notices a kid walk out of a house and looks around the village.
"There's people there, they might see us." Lucario informs.
"Well, there's a forest just over there, let's hide there." Piplup responds.
They all walk into the forest and finds a desolate part of the woods.
"This place is nice." Rowlet says, staring into the trees.

Suddenly, a Pidgey hops out of a tree and attacks Lucario.
"What the-" He says, grabbing the Pidgey and throwing them.
The Pidgey crashes into a tree and faints.
"Why did that Pidgey do that?" Rowlet asks, staring at the fainted bird.
Lucario shrugs and sits down.

Chimchar looks around and finds a tree full of oran berries.
He gives one to everyone and eats it.
"What's this?" Rowlet asks.
"It's an O-Oran berry. I-It helps h-heals injuries." Chimchar says.
Rowlet eats it, and nothing happens.

"Uhh, how long does it take to work?" Rowlet says.
"Ch-Check your w-wound." Chimchar says.
Rowlet lifts his wing and the wound is gone.
"Woah." He says. "How did that work?"
Chimchar prepares to explain how berries work but they hear something from the woods.

"Did you hear that?" Lucario says, also noticing the noise.
"Yeah." Rowlet responds, stepping off Piplup's back.
"Do we wanna go investigate?" Piplup asks.
"Sure." Lucario says, getting up.
Everyone walks towards where they heard the noise.

They all stop once they reach two people, one wearing a lab coat and the other has a red hat, surrounded by Pokémon.
"Grab a starter from the bag, quickly." The one wearing the lab coat says to the other.
They reach for the bag but a wild Pokémon grabs it and pulls it out of their reach.
"Uh oh." The hat wearing person says.
The wild Pokémon slowly get closer to them, preparing to attack.

"Should we help them?" Lucario whispers.
Piplup had already ran out and knocked out one of the wild Pokémon.
Everyone else runs out of hiding and fights the wild Pokémon.
The people stand there, surprised and confused.
After a while, all the wild Pokémon had been knocked out, Piplup looks at the humans.

"I," The lab coat wearing one starts, " I've never seen a group of this diverse of Pokémon in one place."
Lucario slowly walks over to Piplup and soon everyone else does.
"Are we about to get attacked again?" The hat wearing one says.
"We aren't gonna attack you." Rowlet says.
The humans turn to each other, surprised.

"Did that Pokémon just talk?" The lab coat wearing human says.
They grab their bag and pull out a red and white ball.
"What is that?" Piplup asks before they throw it at Rowlet.
"Ow." Rowlet says before a red energy surrounds him.
Rowlet suddenly disappears and the red energy goes into the ball.

"R-Rowlet!" Chimchar says, running over to the ball.
The humans pull out three more balls.
Before anyone could react, they already had thrown the balls at them.
Piplup watches as everyone, including himself, get surrounded by the red energy and get put into the ball.
He looks around the ball, it looks like a mini beach, with sand under him and waves slowly hitting the sand.

There's a window with a little platform sticking out of the wall so Piplup could see outside.
Piplup watches as they pick up the ball he was in and put him in the bag.
Three more balls get put into the bag as the humans start talking.
"What are you gonna do with these Pokémon?" One of them asks.
"I guess just run tests on them." The other says.

Piplup decides to swim in the water.
"Guess I'll just wait to get out." Piplup says to himself.
-=-=-=-=-= A couple hours later -=-=-=-=-=-
"Do you think it's safe enough to let them out?" A person says.
"I think we're fine." Another person says.

Piplup suddenly feels the water disappear around him.
He looks around and notices he's in a lab with three scientists watching him.
He watches as Rowlet appears next to him and looks around.
"Where are we?" He whispers to Piplup.
"Do you think I know that?" Piplup whispers back.

One of the scientists throw another ball, just for an Eevee to come out of it.
"E-" Piplup whispers. "Eevee?"
The Eevee suddenly jumps at one of the scientists, knocking them out.
"Cmon!" She says, tripping another scientist.
Piplup and Rowlet quickly runs after them.

"What's going on?" Rowlet says, making Eevee turn around and shushes him.
"Shut. We don't want them to know you can actually speak human." She says, jumping out an open window.
They keep running into the forest until they reach a strange tree.
Rowlet stares at the tree, looking how it juts out at some points.
"Why are we here?" Piplup asks.

"Guys?" A voice says.
Piplup jumps in surprise as Lucario and Chimchar appear.
The Eevee sits down and looks at Lucario.
"Where's my trainer?" She asks.
The kid from earlier pushes through the foilage and walks over to them.

"Oh thank goodness." She says, scooping up Eevee and holding her.
"Did you really think I would fail this?" Eevee says.
No but, I was still worried." The trainer somehow responds.
Everyone looks surprised, except them.
"How did you understand her?" Lucario asks.

"I don't know really, just it happened one day." Eevee says.
"I think Arceus blessed us." The trainer says.
Lucario was about to ask more about that but Chimchar shushes them.
"S-So why a-are we here?" Chimchar asks.
"Well, I kinda figured you guys are strong Pokémon." The trainer begins.

"Yeah about that," Eevee interrupts, "What level are you guys?"
"We, don't know." Rowlet says.
The trainer pulls out some sort of device and points it at Lucario.
She jolts in surprise as the device lights up.
The Eevee also looks surprised as they now point it to Rowlet.

"Holy crap." The Eevee says.
"What?" Piplup says while watching them point the device at him.
They quickly point it at Chimchar and put the device away.
"You all are level sixty and up!" The trainer says.
"Woah!" Rowlet says, "I'm at least level sixty!?"

After a while of gawking, the Trainer starts talking again.
"Well, I need you all to help me get revenge on the three mythical birds, Moltres, Zapdos and, Articuno." She says.
Lucario and Chimchar look at each other and back to the trainer.
"Why though?" Piplup asks.
The trainer pauses for a second.

"Because they killed my original starter."
* * *
Yo! Surprising I know!
Sorry for not posting for a while. I know that's routine at this point but, whatever.
I'm trying to post a little more often so, expect stuff from me hopefully.
Ok, Cya! I_< <3

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