Chapter 59: Refusal and Revenge

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Piplup watches as the scenery changes from mundane city to a beautiful sight.
The building is full of flowers, each one a dazzling different color.
Tall bushes block the path ahead.
Strawberry sighs and turns to her trainer.
"Hedge maze?" She asks, and Lily nods.

They walk into the bushes confidently.
The Eevee and the Trainer walk through the maze, occasionally looking around to see if something will guide them.
Nothing does.
Soon it's been an entire minute of silence.
Lily sighs and lowers herself towards the ground, letting the Eevee leap off her shoulders.

It seems like they're about to go back to silently going around the maze, when Strawberry sparks up a conversation.
"This is the grass type gym right?" The Pokémon tries to confirm.
"Yep! Spriget is the first gym leader we have to fight." The trainer explains.
"So we should save that Chimchar for her."
"I think we can be a little lenient on how much we use them, considering their high level."

"PP though?"
"Oh yeah, sorry I'm not the best tr-"
"Shhh. You're the best trainer I could've ever asked for Lily."
There's a slight pause in their conversation.
"But alright, we'll save Chimchar for the leader."

"Then what should our plan be for everyone else?"
"Well if we encounter any trainers, we should probably only use them as a last resort."
Strawberry considers this before nodding approvingly.
"Yeah, pulling out level fifties at the first gym will probably get some suspicion placed on us."
"And also because they can only speak human language?"

"That too."
"So you'll be the main Pokémon here Strawberry."
"I'm sure I can handle it!"
The Eevee smiles proudly and the trainer returns her smirk.
Just as they turn the corner, another trainer greets the two.

"You two think you can beat the gym leader, but you'll have to sun-power through me first!" The new trainer jokes.
Lily smiles and gets into a fighting stance against the trainer.
A sudden earthquake stops everyone.
The lights above them flicker ominously as the bushes shed leaves from the magnitude.
Piplup gets concerned, wondering if the building might collapse from how intense the shaking is.

A sudden flash of red energy stops the trembling of the Earth.
Piplup gets almost ripped out of his Pokéball and slams against the wall.
Everyone else's Pokéballs explode and Pokémon fly out everywhere.
Lucario gets launched into the maze and Chimchar gets flung into the floor.
Rowlet gets sent upwards, and he's barely able to flap his wings enough to not hurt himself on impact with the ground.

Slowly everyone gets to their senses and looks around.
Both trainers suddenly grab their phones out of their pockets.
A message is being played on repeat, a robotic voice announcing what just happened.
"Attention trainers of the world! You might've noticed your Pokéballs have stopped working."
Everyone gathers around their respective trainer to listen closer.

"We are team Rebellion."
"We are tired of how people treat Pokémon like animals, only useful to fight."
"Barely anyone cares for their Pokémon nowadays."
"But we have decided to take matters into our own hands."
"Pokémon of the world hearing this! Fight back against your captures! Show that you are the superior species!"

The message ends with a chilling click and both phones go black.
Lily tries turning hers back on, to no success.
"What in the world is this...?" She asks.
The other trainer looks just as confused as the Pokémon around them.
But then all the animal's ears perk up, noticing a weird sound in the air.

"Get down!" Lucario and Chimchar yell, tackling both trainers.
Just a second later, a rouge vine whip crackles through the air above them, cutting the bushes cleanly.
Humans scream as their Pokémon presumably fight against them.
The other trainer's two Pokémon turn to their owner.
One of them charges up a bite.

Piplup slams a Hydro pump into the summer type Deerling.
Rowlet Swifts the Spearow before they could do anything.
The trainer looks stunned, concerned at just how quickly his Pokémon turned on them.
Lily carefully gets up and looks around.
Screams of surprise and pain echo through the maze.

"Arceus above..." Lucario grimaces.
"We need to help the leader!" Lily yells.
She runs into the maze, Strawberry right behind her.
Chimchar follows them, which causes the rest of the group to run after them.
The trainer looks scared and crawls away.

"How in the actual world did someone manage this!?" Rowlet yells, flying a few feet above everyone.
"Must've been some sort of energy surge! My phone is bricked!" Lily theorizes.
"Then how does this place still have light!?" Piplup responds.
"T-The roof i-is made of glass! This p-place is a g-greenhouse!" Chimchar clarifies.
Piplup looks up and realizes that he was right.

"Oh. Well how in the world did someone get enough power to do this!?" Piplup wonders.
The group comes across a different trainer, cornered by a Hoppip.
Lucario uses Extreme Speed to knock the creature out cold.
"They couldn't! It would take a tremendous amount of natural energy to break one Pokéball, let alone all of them!" Lily explains.
"And it would be practically impossible to get enough to open a master ball!" Strawberry adds.

This leaves everyone pretty confused.
Rowlet gasps, and flies ahead.
"Rowlet!" Piplup yells, watching him fly away.
But reaching the end of the maze would've made all of them hurry.
The gym leader was injured, with cuts all over their body.

Spriget's five Pokémon stand around her, each with a taste of blood in their eyes.
Suddenly Rowlet swoops out of the sky, using Brave Bird to send her Herdier into the wall.
The rest of the Pokémon turn to her, surprised.
Piplup runs to the bird's side.
"Thanks." She tells the penguin.

The rest of the group run to Spriget's side, prepared to defend her.
The leader's Pokémon look confused and angry at this, and a Servine steps towards them.
"What are you guys doing? You're free, why protect the people who enslaved you!?" He yells.
Strawberry walks up to him.
"Don't you think killing them is wrong?" She argues.

"Humans capture us, take us away from our homes and families, so we can fight for their amusement. Don't you think that's wrong?" The Servine responds.
Nobody can really respond to that point, it was true.
The snake-like animal smirks and steps back.
"Whatever. You just need more convincing." He says.
Everyone feels the tension rise as the Pokémon fall into a battle stance.

* * *
I'm kinda out of words.
So uh yeah
Cy'all! I _ <  <3

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